Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict Essay

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict management - Essay Example The second form could be the one that starts from the lower or middle management and goes up towards the top management. A common example of this kind of communication flow is in the type of protests and rallies that arise at the lower level and the lower management wants to make sure that their voice gets heard courtesy the top cadre of the organization. The third communication flow could be in the kind of peer to peer communication and interaction. This means that the employees and the workers at the same level communicate within their own capacities and as such there are no hindrances arising from the whole communication matrix. Apart from this, within an organization the communication also flows in a formal as well as an informal manner. Where the communication is more formal and sophisticated, the interaction is usually done through paper and written requests whereas the informal talk is also called ‘grapevine’ and is mostly done in a casual manner without any such paper work to document the very same. Proper and smooth communication can only flow within an organization when there is complete understanding of the message at all possible levels. The barriers within the communication process should be removed as this is known as the â€Å"noise† factor in the whole communication matrix. Within an organization, the communication should always be of a formal nature so that there are no problems and grievances for all concerned. Organizational diversity means what kind of organizational working a company usually has within its folds. This could be in the form of a centralized fashion or a company which has a decentralized approach as far as its working methodologies are concerned. The centralized diversity of an organization understands the fact that the supreme basis of instructions and commands rests with only one single party and all the other staff members encircle this post of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Flooding in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Flooding in South Africa Essay Most floods take hours or days to develop, giving residents enough time to prepare or evacuate. Others happen quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous and cause major damage to the landscape and the habitants of such an area. Disaster specialists have various ways of classifying floods according to their likelihood of occurring and the intensity of the flood. A hundred-year flood, for example, is an extremely large, destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century. Heavy rain in a short period of time in the part of South Africa, caused more than hundreds of people to be homeless by heavy flooding. Floods caused many to seek refuge on rooftops and on trees. This catastrophe killed more than hundreds of people causing the death toll to rise. Recently these floods caused evacuation of the Kruger National, a game reserve in Northern South Africa. Floods also covered some farmlands and crops were killed as a result forcing farms to close. Most of the roads, dams and large buildings were damaged. Due to flooding some mines were forced to close, this the case of a coal mines in Limpopo. Floods frequently causes major infrastructure damage of roads, railway lines, electricity supply systems, water supply and sewage disposal systems. Bribges over rivers are particularly exposed to damage and disruption of transportation systems follows. The economic effects of flooding are often greater than the flood itself. (Parker 2000) According to Parker (2000) be cause floods frequently destroy crops and livestock, food shortages are not uncommon in the aftermath. Floods may affect food availability in a number of ways. Food stocks may be damaged if storage areas are flooded. Serious flooding usually disrupts transportation of food deficit areas, particularly in towns, which are cut off from supply sources and have inadequate food stock. Impacts of flooding may hinder the economic growth and development that is the high cost of relief and recovery may adversely impact investment in infrastructure and other development activities in the area and in certain cases may cripple the frail economy of the of the region. Recurrent flooding in a region may discourage long-term investments by the government and private sector alike. Lack of livehoods, combined with migration of skilled labour and inflation may have a negative impact on a region’s economic growth. Loss of resource can lead to high costs of goods and services, delaying its development programmes. (Drep operation international federation of Red Cross and crescent societies). Figure 2 three kid were during floods in Limpopo As discussed under various perspectives, it is clear from the assignment that floods had adverse impact on the socio-economic status of livehoods for people in South Africa more especially the residents of Limpopo. It is also evident that there are varying underlying causes of floods i South Africa. Places near the flood event are the most susceptible to the dangers of the floods. Proximity of these places and poverty were identified as being the main cause of vulnerability of people

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Essay -- Tennes

Alienation in Tennessee Williams', The Glass Menagerie Life is a lonely tale of alienation, as Tennessee Williams conveys though his play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.† Williams surrounds Laura in isolation from a world in which they wish to belong to by using various symbols. The symbolic nature of the motifs hidden within the lines of this play provides meaning to the theme found consistent throughout the play: Individuals are all alone in the world. Williams brilliantly illuminates the idea of isolation through the symbolic use of glass. The symbolism of the glass is directly connected with the character of Laura. Similar to glass Laura is extremely fragile, her soul and image faces the possibility of being easily damaged and destroyed. Her character is tragically transparent as it is simple to decipher. However, glass objects, unlike a painting or photograph, have three dimensions. It is possible to examine every side of Laura’s fragile character, just as it is a glass figurine. Laura is trapped into a mold of glass, unable to move or break from its pattern; she is trapped in her own world of alienation. Yet, in a different light, glass reflects a rainbow of personality and beauty. Similar to the rainbow given off by glass Laura aids characters in achieving a sense of beautiful and colorful self-awareness. Williams contrasts light and dark to bring attention to Laura’s isolation from the world, and illuminate it as moments of the beauty that exists in huma...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis Babbit Essay -- Lewis Babbi

Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit      Ã‚   The idea of conspicuous consumption, or buying unnecessary items to show one's wealth, can be seen in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.   Lewis describes the main character of the book, George F. Babbitt, as a person who has his values and priorities all mixed up.   Babbitt buys the most expensive and modern material goods just to make himself happy and make people around his aware of his status.   He is more concerned about these items than about his wife or children and to him, "god was Modern Appliances" (Lewis 5).   Through Babbitt, Lewis is attempting to show how the average American person will do or buy anything, even if   unnecessary, only to show off and make peers think highly of him or her.   As seen in Babbitt, George wakes up to the "best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments" (3).   Babbitt is extremely satisfied to be awakened by this expensive clock because it raises his value to the world.   A regular alarm clock can do, but George Babbitt needs the top-of-the-line model to show off his wealth.   He, along with the rest of the citizens in the book, takes great value in his car, which to him was "poetry and tragedy, love and heroism" (22).   One must think that of his family and friends, not of a piece of metal sitting in the garage.   Babbitt continues his conspicuous consumption lifestyle by vowing to quit smoking and then going out and buying "the electric cigar lighter which he had coveted for a week" (51).   Therefore, Babbitt does not necessarily buy the lighter for himself, but to show to everyone around him that he has the money to buy it, and consequently feels superior to them.   The fi... ...In the end, the Rolex watch on the hand of a rich man is not used to tell time, rather to tell the world of his accomplishments and his burgeoning bank account.    Works Cited Brooks, John. Showing off in America. Boston: Little and Brown, 1979. Feingold, Danny. "Pooches Lap up the Attention at Dog Day Care." Los Angeles Times 11 Aug. 1999, home ed.: E2 Lexis/Nexis. Henahan, Donal. "Could Veblen Explain Today's Opera?" New York Times 19 Apr. 1987, final ed.: B21 Lexis/Nexis. Laurence, Ben. "Pounds 100 up in Smoke.   Hedonism is back." The Observer 24 May 1998: 2 Lexis/Nexis. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York: Signet, 1998. Reiss, Michael. "Are you suffering from affluenza?" New Statesman 5 Aug. 2002: 13. Walker, Michael. "The Beverly Hills-Mobile." New York Times 15 Sept. 2002, late ed.: B1 Lexis/Nexis. Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit Essay -- Lewis Babbi Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit      Ã‚   The idea of conspicuous consumption, or buying unnecessary items to show one's wealth, can be seen in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.   Lewis describes the main character of the book, George F. Babbitt, as a person who has his values and priorities all mixed up.   Babbitt buys the most expensive and modern material goods just to make himself happy and make people around his aware of his status.   He is more concerned about these items than about his wife or children and to him, "god was Modern Appliances" (Lewis 5).   Through Babbitt, Lewis is attempting to show how the average American person will do or buy anything, even if   unnecessary, only to show off and make peers think highly of him or her.   As seen in Babbitt, George wakes up to the "best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments" (3).   Babbitt is extremely satisfied to be awakened by this expensive clock because it raises his value to the world.   A regular alarm clock can do, but George Babbitt needs the top-of-the-line model to show off his wealth.   He, along with the rest of the citizens in the book, takes great value in his car, which to him was "poetry and tragedy, love and heroism" (22).   One must think that of his family and friends, not of a piece of metal sitting in the garage.   Babbitt continues his conspicuous consumption lifestyle by vowing to quit smoking and then going out and buying "the electric cigar lighter which he had coveted for a week" (51).   Therefore, Babbitt does not necessarily buy the lighter for himself, but to show to everyone around him that he has the money to buy it, and consequently feels superior to them.   The fi... ...In the end, the Rolex watch on the hand of a rich man is not used to tell time, rather to tell the world of his accomplishments and his burgeoning bank account.    Works Cited Brooks, John. Showing off in America. Boston: Little and Brown, 1979. Feingold, Danny. "Pooches Lap up the Attention at Dog Day Care." Los Angeles Times 11 Aug. 1999, home ed.: E2 Lexis/Nexis. Henahan, Donal. "Could Veblen Explain Today's Opera?" New York Times 19 Apr. 1987, final ed.: B21 Lexis/Nexis. Laurence, Ben. "Pounds 100 up in Smoke.   Hedonism is back." The Observer 24 May 1998: 2 Lexis/Nexis. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York: Signet, 1998. Reiss, Michael. "Are you suffering from affluenza?" New Statesman 5 Aug. 2002: 13. Walker, Michael. "The Beverly Hills-Mobile." New York Times 15 Sept. 2002, late ed.: B1 Lexis/Nexis.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Sharp Printing Essay

Three years ago the Sharp Printing (SP) strategic management group set a goal of having a color laser printer available for the consumer and small business market for less than $200. A few months later the senior management met off-site to discuss the new product. The results of this meeting were a set of general technical specifications along with major deliverables, a product launch date, and a cost estimate based on prior experience. Shortly afterward, a meeting was arranged for middle management explaining the project goals, major responsibilities, the project start date, and importance of meeting the product launch date within the cost estimate. Members of all departments involved attended the meeting. Excitement was high. Although everyone saw the risks as high, the promised rewards for the company and the personnel were emblazoned in their minds. A few participants questioned the legitimacy of the project duration and cost estimates. A couple of R&D people were worried about the technology required to produce the high-quality product for less than $200. But given the excitement of the moment, everyone agreed the project was worth doing and doable. The color laser printer project was to have the highest project priority in the company. Lauren was selected to be the project manager. She had 15 years of experience in printer design and manufacture, which included successful management of several projects related to printers for commercial markets. Since she was one of those uncomfortable with the project cost and time estimates, she felt getting good bottom-up time and cost estimates for the deliverables was her first concern. She quickly had a meeting with the significant stakeholders to create a WBS identifying the work packages and organizational unit responsible for implementing the work packages. Lauren stressed she wanted time and cost estimates from those who would do the work or were the most knowledgeable, if possible. Getting estimates from more than one source was encouraged. Estimates were due in two weeks. The compiled estimates were placed in the WBS/OBS. The corresponding cost estimate seemed to be in error. The cost estimate was $1,250,000 over the senior management estimate; this represents about a 20 percent overrun! The time estimate from the developed project network was only four months over the top management time estimate. Another meeting was scheduled with the significant stakeholders to check the estimates and to brainstorm for alternative solutions; the cost and time estimates appeared to be reasonable. Some of the suggestions for the brainstorming session are listed below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beautiful Disasters Pearl as a Living Breathing Scarlet Letter essays

Beautiful Disasters Pearl as a Living Breathing Scarlet Letter essays Sometimes beauty is found in places as unexpected as a rosebush growing outside of a prison in a puritan colonial village. Pearl Prynne is an unearthly beautiful child with a wild spirit born under unimaginably sinful conditions, all of which are somehow related to the ideas, actions, and views of others on Hesters punishment. In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, Pearl serves as Hesters living, breathing Scarlet letter. Pearl evokes the same emotion and reactions from the townspeople, as does the scarlet letter. The people look at the slight sense of pride Hester has in her letter in the same way they look at the way Hester lets Pearl do whatever she wants. They feel Hester isnt fit to raise the child. The extremity of gossip from the females of the village in the beginning of the book is only matched by the amount that Pearls wild attitude stirs up later on. Hesters A is the example for all of what sin is. The A makes Hester much avoided and the parents tell their children to watch out for her. Theses same parents say the same things to their kids about avoiding Pearl, who is infamous for her uncontrollable behavior with her peers and other adults. Just as infamous as Hesters A for the wild sinful actions it Like Hesters scarlet letter, Pearl shows extreme beauty in a form that is not traditional, positive, tame, or fully accepted. When Hester crafts the A that she has to wear on her chest, She uses a deep, passionate shade of red and embroiders it very intricately with bright gold thread. The A was meant to mark Hester in a negative manor; its purpose is to let everyone know that Hester is a sinner. Hester takes something extremely negative and makes it appear as passionately beautiful. Hawthorne portrays Pearl in a very detailed specific manor, meant...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Path to the Civil War essays

Path to the Civil War essays The Civil War or the American Civil War, which is sometimes referred to as the war between the states, the war of rebellion, or the war for southern independence, is a war that left a big impact in History. Not only did this war take over 600,000 lives, it also ruined property valued at $5 billion dollars. However, this war was an important war for the future, it put an ending to slavery and freed over 4 million black or African American slaves. In 1819, Missouri wanted to join the Union, although in the North, as a slave state. In it, it would make the balance of power in the Congress unequal. Many Northerners were opposed to the idea. Northerners in Congress refused to pass the bill, therefore proposed that Missouri be a slave state, and that no more slaves were to be brought in and all slaves would be free at the age of 25, so Missouri would become a Free State. Southerners were opposed to the idea brought up by Northerners. The Congress was in debate for many months. Henry Clay proposed that Maine enter the Union as a Free State. Also, prohibiting slavery north of the 36- 30-degree latitude, longitude line, and the southern boundary of Missouri. The South agreed since plantations would not be able to thrive further North of that line, many concerned Americans thought that the slavery issue would be resolved. First in 1828, a tariff was passed to help try to protect New England Manufactures. The tariff was as high as 45% to 50% of the original European price. Opponents of the tariff called it the "Tariff of Abomination". Southerners were opposed to the tariff because they exported cotton and other materials to Europe, in exchange European goods were imported to America. Southerners claimed it was an indirect tax on their region of the United States. Southerners began to ask for states right. South Carolina even went as far as to ask for the tariff taken off the books or they would su...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Give up willpower this year - Emphasis

Give up willpower this year Give up willpower this year At this time of year, our thoughts inevitably turn to fresh starts and making resolutions for better ways to live and work. If youve pledged to give up cake or make the gym your second home, youre certainly in good company. My friend Philippa is one of many who have declared this Dry January (which I confidently predict will be followed by Wet February – you heard it here first). Or maybe youve decided its your working habits that need to shape up, that this is the year you wont leave writing up reports, emails and proposals to the last minute anymore. Its an issue many of us struggle with, and some to a very dramatic extent. I recently read of a man who always left writing reports until the night before they were due. Well, he did that until he discovered that he could get up at 4am on the actual day he had to submit them and write them then. Clearly, thats no way to live. And definitely not a great route to writing great reports. Being unsure of where to begin your document can lead to a lot of wasted time and (if were honest) procrastination. Too often, we dont start to write until the fear of writing something imperfect gets displaced by the fear of not writing anything at all. Of course, lots of people put off starting that crucial document or critical email for much longer than they might like to admit. The fear factor The trouble is that willpower sometimes just wont cut it. If your brain perceives something to be a threat (the prospect of failure), it will do all it can to avoid that threat until a bigger one (the consequences of not writing anything at all) comes along. Believe me, your willpower is not much of a match for millions of years of evolution. The way to get round this is to trick your brain by still avoiding the threat while doing something that actually moves you closer to finishing. So if writing is the problem, dont write. Plan instead. The art of getting started Most painters sketch out the general outlines of their pictures before putting paint to canvas. This gets all the elements in the right place and then naturally leads them into the act of painting itself. When you take time to plan, you do the same thing with your writing. In fact, planning is doubly useful. Not only does it overcome procrastination, it separates your writing and thinking processes. And that separation will produce much better results. Too many people use the writing process to work out what they think. This is actually dangerous. First, its likely to result in quite a disordered document or email. Second, it fools you into believing that what youve written is logical. More likely is that what youve written is the record of what could be a jumbled thought process – a record that you then inflict on the reader. Map it out There are many ways to plan. Lists are better than nothing. Mind maps are much better, as they are non-linear: they allow you to make connections between ideas that may not have initially occurred to you. But, however you plan, try not to do it on-screen: this will make it difficult to get the necessary perspective. And let’s not forget, your computer is also where all the tempting distractions of the internet lurk. So, instead, use a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. (Yes, paper.) And switch off – or even step away from – your screen if it helps. Since you’re unlikely to beat evolution, you may as well work with it to get the results you want. As well as have the occasional lie-in. Image credit: alphaspirit / Shutterstock

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Community & Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community & Economic Development - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding the issue, the city of Orlando can be used as a case example. It is of the essence to note that different locations are endowed differently when it comes to the endowment of business opportunities. This is something, which ranges from one location to another. There are a few things, which a person who wants to engage in the business ought to consider. The individual in question ought to ask himself or herself whether it feels right or whether the decision that is made makes sense at all. This is bearing in mind the financial implications, which come into perspective. There are certain things, which make Orlando a good and attractive business spot in the country. For starters, there are several industries, which are located in the city. These are significant pointers of how businesses and the private sector can be influential in the creation of jobs to individuals in the population. The presence of many of these industries in the city makes it possible for people to seek employment and get it in the long run. At the same time, these businesses may come up with incentives, which may serve to attract even more individuals from the local population. In most cases, the incentives in this scenario are always better in comparison to those from the government. As a result, a significant number of individuals in the population will opt to go into the businesses as opposed to seeing employment that is initiated by the government or the local authorities. The role, which the business sector plays when it comes to the city of Orlando, is a fact, which cannot be overlooked. The local authorities have also recognized this and as such, the policies, which they develop in relation to business activities, are those, which are favorable to the individuals who have the desire to engage in business activities. The authorities have also realized that through their partnerships with business entities and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Marketing Report of Cadbury Schweppes Assignment

Strategic Marketing Report of Cadbury Schweppes - Assignment Example ance and future prospects; Kraft core capabilities and assets; Strategic position assessment; recommendation and limitations of the study are also obtained to form part of the process. Cadbury Schweppes is a confectionery manufacturer that has been known for its English heritage. Established in 1824, the company managed to stay on top of the big confectionery manufacturers and has become as third world leading manufacturer of confectionery in the world. It has established business units in Britain and Ireland, Middle East and Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Pacific. Kraft Food is a manufacturer of packaged food products, including snacks, beverages, cheese, convenient meals and various packaged grocery products. Its products are sold to consumers in 160 countries and had operations in more than 70 countries and products made at 159 manufacturing and processing facilities globally. The key segments covered by Cadbury are chocolate and candy brands. Its chocolate brands are Cadbury Dairy milk, Crà ¨me Egg, Flake and Green & Black. Its gum brands are Trident, Hollywood, Stimorol, Dentyne, Clorets and Bibbaloo. Candy Halls, Maynards, Cadbury Eclairs and Natural Confectionery Co. (Cadbury Plc description) Kraft segment covers cheese, dinners and dressings. Portfolio of products include nine brands, including Kraft cheeses, dinners and dressings; Oscar Mayer meats; Philadelphia cream cheese; Maxwell House and Jacobs coffee; Nabisco cookies and its Oreo cookie brand; Milka chocolates and LU biscuits. Together, these two companies formed a formidable company thru a merger done in February 2010 that made Kraft/Cadbury the second largest confectionery in the world. The merger move, according to Kraft CEO, is a transformation for future growth prospects both for Kraft and Cadbury to become the world’s number one confectionery manufacturer (Zendrian, 2010). Projected status of Kraft/Cadbury in the industry as a result of merger is portrayed in

Discussion Week 5 New Product Development and The Product Life Cycle Assignment

Discussion Week 5 New Product Development and The Product Life Cycle - Assignment Example that would initially enhance product awareness and sustain efforts for product recall; and (2) maintaining an effective competitive pricing strategy that would affirm the product’s core competencies and advantage over its competitors through time. An effective and well sustained advertising and promotional campaigns would ensure that the target market would be aptly aware, persuaded to purchase, and affirm loyalty to the product. Likewise, through these efforts, loyal customers would also invite others to purchase the product. On the other hand, maintaining a competitive pricing strategy would assist in confirming that customers would prefer purchasing their product due to other features, in conjunction with their competitive prices, as compared to those charged by competitors. As such, by not pricing the product way above competition or way below, customers would acknowledge preference to their product over their product life cycle. 2. From the e-Activity (Video) located at bottom, imagine you are on the marketing team for the Smart Car Company, which is looking to expand its current automobile offerings. First, propose one (1) possible new product or extension that your team could offer to either Smart Car Company’s existing target or a new target market. Next, formulate one (1) strategy for marketing your product to your selected market. Justify your response by comparing your strategy to the current Smart Car market and the challenges it is strategically facing. A possible new product extension that could be offered to a new target market for the Smart Car Company (Chapter 8: New Products, n.d.) is focusing on offering this to young professionals who are just beginning to exhibit professional growth. Due to the extremely good price which is considerably low, young professionals could be targeted as potential new clients who could easily afford to buy this. After defining this new target market, the strategy to market this product would be designed as

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Psychological Correction of Error in Second Language Classroom Essay

The Psychological Correction of Error in Second Language Classroom - Essay Example Allowing errors to remain uncorrected is usually understood as being disregarded by the teacher, which hence results in some form of discouragement on the student’s part. Nevertheless, another negative possibility of allowing incorrect ideas or terms remain uncorrected appears to be that â€Å"the detective language might serve as an input model and be acquired by other students in the class† since the other students suppose the spoken idea or term was right. Furthermore, advocates of the auto-input theory state that if a student speaks flawed expression which is allowed to stay uncorrected, simultaneously this utterance functions as another input to the student who committed a mistake. The difficulty which is discerned primarily by educators is â€Å"that some learners may even modify their existing correct hypotheses to include incorrect forms, in order to conform with their classmates’ uncorrected output†. It is important to mention that each of the ide ntified risks of ignoring or allowing students’ errors to remain uncorrected can also be viewed as aspects that support correction. Until the 1960’s theories of language learning were profoundly shaped by behaviouristic perspectives. During this period second-language acquisition (SLA) research had not attracted significant attention. Errors and routines were major issues of this perspective of language learning. Behaviouristic perspectives gave the explanation of the reason L2 students commit mistakes. Behaviourists view errors as objectionable.

Benchmarking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benchmarking - Essay Example There years later, the Company went public, with a valuation of $300 million and commenced sales of the GeneChip system. At the time of the public offering, Affymatrix’s R&D expenses were $12.4 million but by the year 2000, its expenses had risen to $57.4 million and its product sales were $173 million ( Sources of funding for Affymetrix R&D work have been primarily through licenses and patents and collaborative partnerships with several firms to test out its products. Companies with whom Affymetrix worked in the initial stages include Hewlett Packard, Genetics Institute, Incyte, Glaxo and Perlegen. By 2000, Affymetrix had 105 patents with 10% of the company income contributed by license and patent fees ( Additional sources of funds are Government and research grants, which are a part of the Company strategy to maintain an academic environment without sacrificing entrepreneurship. This strategy also helped to attract a pool of talented researchers who were thus able to develop marketable products of economic value for the Company. Net income reported by the Company for the third quarter of 2005 was $8.7million as compared to $15.4 million the same time last quarter.( But in contrast, other biotech companies all reported earnings higher than expected for the third quarter of 2005, with the Burill Biotech Select index rising on a steady basis and most of the recent IPO graduates are doing quite well.( It is only Affumetrix that has reported a drop of 16% in share prices from $0.24 per diluted share in the third quarter of 2004 to $0.13 per diluted share for the third quarter of 2005. As compared to the third quarter of 2004 when operating costs were $65.1 million and revenues were $2.7 million, the third quarter of 2005 showed an increase in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Psychological Correction of Error in Second Language Classroom Essay

The Psychological Correction of Error in Second Language Classroom - Essay Example Allowing errors to remain uncorrected is usually understood as being disregarded by the teacher, which hence results in some form of discouragement on the student’s part. Nevertheless, another negative possibility of allowing incorrect ideas or terms remain uncorrected appears to be that â€Å"the detective language might serve as an input model and be acquired by other students in the class† since the other students suppose the spoken idea or term was right. Furthermore, advocates of the auto-input theory state that if a student speaks flawed expression which is allowed to stay uncorrected, simultaneously this utterance functions as another input to the student who committed a mistake. The difficulty which is discerned primarily by educators is â€Å"that some learners may even modify their existing correct hypotheses to include incorrect forms, in order to conform with their classmates’ uncorrected output†. It is important to mention that each of the ide ntified risks of ignoring or allowing students’ errors to remain uncorrected can also be viewed as aspects that support correction. Until the 1960’s theories of language learning were profoundly shaped by behaviouristic perspectives. During this period second-language acquisition (SLA) research had not attracted significant attention. Errors and routines were major issues of this perspective of language learning. Behaviouristic perspectives gave the explanation of the reason L2 students commit mistakes. Behaviourists view errors as objectionable.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Market Behaviour Essay

Efficient Market Hypothesis and Market Behaviour - Essay Example In fact, market prices are frequently nonsensical† (Warren 1984, p17). This statement was made by Warren Buffett in reference to security prices and how they cannot be determined by individuals. To Buffett, market prices often do not make sense, and therefore he argues that financial experts should not dwell on the stocks themselves, but on stock pickers and investors who frequently determine market indices. However, the Efficient Market Hypothesis offers a totally contrasting view to the issue of market indices. The Efficient Market Hypothesis is a financial theory that affirms that it is not possible to ‘beat the market’ since financial markets are believed to be infomationally efficient. In other words, the theory asserts that efficiency in the stock market normally leads to a clear reflection of relevant information on the existing share prices. According to the EMH theory, stocks will normally trade at their fair value on the market, which would make it imposs ible for traders to buy undervalued stocks or sell them at inflated prices.  As such, it would not be possible to do better than the overall market through market timing or even professional stock selection. If an investor wants to obtain higher returns he would have to purchase riskier investments. Believers of the efficient market hypothesis argue that there is no need to look for undervalued stocks or try and predict trends in the stock market through technical or fundamental analysis. Tenets of Efficient Market Hypothesis EMH was a financial theory developed by Eugene Fama in the 1960s. In his 1965 paper, Fama noted that â€Å"on the average, competition will cause the full effects of new information on intrinsic values to be reflected instantaneously in actual prices† (Fama 1970, p386) According to the efficient market hypothesis, when one buys and sells securities, they are not using skill, rather, they are â€Å"engaging in a game of chance†. EMH was widely ac cepted until behavioural finances became mainstream in the 1990s according to Hebner (2007). There are different aspects of what should constitute an efficient market and it all depends on the kind of information that is available (Desai 2011). These aspects are grouped into the three forms of the efficient market hypothesis: the weak form, the semi-strong form and the strong form (Fama 1970). The Forms of Efficient Markets The weak form of EMH asserts that historical market prices and data or information are reflected fully in securities prices (Fama 1970). This implies that technical analysis is not useful at all. Analyzing prices from the past according to this form cannot be used to predict future prices. This means that investment strategies that are based on past share prices and data cannot be used to earn excess returns in the long run (Jung and Shiller 2005). What this implies is that if stock prices are random, then it is not possible to use past prices to foretell future ones. In the weak form of efficient markets, information arrives randomly, thereby making stock price changes to occur randomly. Most financial research supports the view that financial markets are weak. The semi-strong form of efficient markets asserts that securities prices reflect any publicly available information as well as future expectations (Fama 1970). If this is the case, then

Balance sheet Essay Example for Free

Balance sheet Essay According to the depreciation rates used by the company and described in the Production Cost Report, if a company adds 50 new workstations at a cost of $250,000 each and also spends $5 million for an addition to its assembly plant to accommodate the new workstations. According to the cost allocation methods used in the company’s accounting system and described in the Help section for the Operations Report for any of the four geographic regions, if a company spends $5 million to advertise its camera lines in North America, assembles and ships 300,000 entry-level cameras and 200,000 multi-featured cameras to its North American dealers, derives revenues of $80 million from its sales of entry-level cameras and $120 million from the sales of its multi-featured cameras in North America, then 50% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 50% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. 70% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 30% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. the per camera advertising costs for both entry-level and multi-featured cameras will be $10.00. 40% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 60% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. the per camera advertising costs for entry-level cameras will be 50% larger than the per camera advertising costs for multi-featured cameras.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Study On Special Events Management Management Essay

A Study On Special Events Management Management Essay This essay is aimed at addressing the aformentioned issue. In order to identify the skills and qualities that are of value to future leaders in special events management, the paper is first going to outline the scope of the profession. Next, the skills and traits that the leaders in special events management are expected to exhibit are going to be named. Then, the practical expectations of the employers in respect of these skills and competencies are going to be compared and contrasted with the theoretical concepts on leadership present in the subject literature. The conclusion is going to aggregate main points of the essay. First of all, it seems necessary to provide the definition of special events in order to establish the basis for greater understanding of what the managers and leaders in the field actually do. Shone and Parry (2004, p.3) define special events as () non-routine occassions, which have leisure, cultural, personal or organisational objectives set apart from the normal activity of daily life, whose purpose is to enlighten, celebrate, entertain, or challenge the experience of a group of people. From such description it is clearly visible, that special events is a capacious term encompassing affairs such as sport fairs, weddings, presentations, fashion shows, award ceremonies and many others. Therefore, the special events management can be most simply described as a process of effective and professional organisation of such happenings, so that their intended effect on the chosen audience is achieved (Getz, 2005). The information obtained from (2010) suggests that generic special event manager job description can be organised around the following clusters of duties: researching, planning, budgeting, coordinating, utilizing IT software to facilitate the process, marketing, arranging and overseeing the logistics side, people management, evaluating the success of events on completion. The aforementioned list of tasks is by no means exhaustive. As such, it is clearly visible that the position of the leader in the special events management industry requires the applicant to master a variety of skills that would be easily transferrible across such a wide spectrum of duties, eventually allowing for accomplishment of the chosen aim of the special event. Therefore, it can be said that excellent organisational aptitude, people management skills, communication skills, marketing abilities, adjustability to the changing environment, and lastly the ability to conceptualise and leadership skills consitute these valued features of the successful leaders in special events management (Perry et al., 1996 in Tassiopoulos, 2005). Moreover, it is justifiable to say that organisational skills and startegic thinking are the key elements to a successful career in special events management (Anderson, 2010). Excellent time management abilities, as well as the capacity to multitask and prioritize are crucial in the hectic environment, where many duties are carried out simultaneuously often under substantial time pressure (Wignall, 2008). Analytical competency and high numeracy are other desired traits (, 2010a). People management skills constitute a second pillar to a prominent career in the special event management industry (Goldblatt, 2005). As the role of the leader in the field is primarly concerned with people: either through coordinating internal network of contacts or by engaging with external parties such as suppliers, proficiency in delegation of duties and effective supervision is certainly needed. Excellent communication skills are another must have for a special events management leader (, 2010b). Ongoing exchange of information between the customer and the leader, or between the leader and other parties requires skillfullness in oral and written communication to ensure that leaders vision is announced in a coherent manner. Furthermore, the tactfulness in interpersonal contact as well as the capability to listen and recept followed by the negotiation and presentation skills are truly desirable (Worldevents, 2010). The special event industry is believed to be more about whom than what one knows, thus fostering for the communication skills seems exteremely relevant. Flexibility and open-mindedness are also certainly needed (INCA, 2010). The special event management is a constantly changing process requiring ongoing re-prioritizing and finding solutions to the problems arising on the spot. Thus, adaptability to the dynamic environment and the ability to utilize ones creativity and think outside the box is of utmost importance. Marketing edge is another sought-after ability (Goldblatt, 2005). As many events are developed with the profit-generating idea in mind, or require sponsor-/ funding- seeking it is necessary for the leaders to master the knowledge of marketing that will allow them to sell the event to potential parties. Last, but not least the future leaders in special events management industry need to possess the ability to infect the followers with enthusiasm and excitement about the project, in other words depict the charismatic persona (Wignall, 2008). Such capacities are extremely important, as they enhance staffs commitment and motivation to push towards common goal, therefore are essential for facilitation of the process and task accomplishment. Self-confidence and assertiveness are also of value (Wignall, 2008), as they allow the leader to gain credibility in the followers eyes, thus legitimizing the actions taken by him/her. Having identified the skills and aptitudes that are deemed of value to future leaders in special events management, it seems worthwhile to establish whether such choice of requirements is supported by the postulates of the theoretical developments in the leadership literature. Thus, this part of the essay is dedicated to comparing and contrasting the practice with chosen theoretical approaches to leadership: the traits approach, skills approach and contingency leadership concept. The traits theory originates from mid-20th century studies into the personalities of effective leaders in order to correlate their characteristics with successful leadership practices to produce a universally applicable set of must have attributes (Sadler, 2003). Subsequent reviews of the original studies however dismissed the postulate of unidirectional relationship between identified traits and successful leadership, further disregarding the possibility of producing a consistent set of traits typical for all leaders (Jago, 1982). Stogdill (1974, in Daft 2002) proposed an extensive list of attributes of successful leaders, further concluding that possession of the identified traits alone does not guarantee effectiveness in leadership, but is a function of those and contextual factors. Kirkpatrick and Locke (1991) describe the traits as potential only that needs to be activated by the leaders affirmative action in order for the leadership practice to be successful. Nevertheless, the main postulate of the traits approach that leaders do differ from other people in their personalities remains valid, therefore reassuring the application of the theory to business setting. Daft (2002) aggregating conclusions of Bass and Stogdills (1990, in Daft, 2002) and Kirkpatrick and Lockes (1991) studies identifies a set of personal characteristics of leaders that are believed to trigger effective practice. The author notes the importance of drive and desire to excel, motivation, honesty and integrity, self assurance, cognitive capacity and intelligence, knowledge of the industry, as well as to less extent charisma, flexibility and open-mindedness, enthusiasm and sociability as the activators of successful leadership. Looking at the proposed list it is easy to notice the convergence between the traits identified as necessary by the researchers and those previously described as of value to the future leaders in special events management. Nevertheless, it seems that the traits that are denied equal attention in ordinary business setting, i.e. flexibility, creativity and enthusiasm, in special events management find stronger appreciation. Furthermore, the traits theory fails to appreciate the importance of personal growth occurring throughout ones carrier thus denying the future leaders the option to develop the identified traits; what is more disregarding the importance of contextual factors. The unique nature of special events allows the leaders to gain experience through direct participation in the production process of every single event, as well as emphasizes the need to adapt to changing settings, therefore pointing out the weaknesses of the application of traits approach to the purpose of validating such choice of required traits and skills. The skills or otherwise known as capability approach seems to overcome the first of aforementioned drawbacks by focusing on the competencies rather than personal attributes that leaders ought to possess to deliver the appropriate performance (Northouse, 2004). The model sees leadership as concerned with solving problems arising in everyday organisational setting (Mumford et al., 2000a). The skills approach postulates that leaders performance is generated via utilization of three types of skills: problem-solving skills, solution generation skills, as well as social judgement skills subject to development throughout ones career under the influence of the individual attributes such as motivation and personality and the environmental context (Mumford et al., 2000b). Unlike traits theory this model appreciates that leadership potential that can be transformed into effective practice rests within everyone (Northouse, 2004). The skills model successfully provides explanation for the choice of some of the competencies deemed of value to potential leaders in special events management, emphasising the importance of motivation and enthusiasm, as well as people-oriented skills. However, similarly to the traits theory this concept presents some limitations in its applicability. Leadership in special events management requires exceptional organisation and strategic thinking abilities, which are denied sufficient importance by the skills model that sees the leaders as facilitators of quick solutions to arising problems rather than visionaries. Furthermore, the applicability of the model is believed to be limited by the specificity of the research setting (i.e. US army) (Northouse, 2004). The last model to be analysed against the practical requirements of future leaders in special events management is the contingency concept originally devised by Fiedler (1969, in Sadler, 2003). According to this theory the effectiveness of leadership practice depends on (i.e. is contingent on) three aspects of the situation in which it takes place: the nature of the leader-followers relationship (the loyalty, trust etc), the nature of the tasks (degree of clear indication of requirements) and the position power of the leader (i.e. authority available to the leader) (Sadler, 2003). Depending on the combination of the aforementioned variables the leader is believed to adopt a relationship-motivated or task-motivated behaviour that allows for either accomplishment of set goals or fostering for growth in interpersonal relationships (Torrington et al., 2005). However, this approach is also said to entice some limitations mainly concerned with the validity of the research methods in use an d the suitability of the concept in explaining actions to be taken in the event of a clash between the contextual factors and leaders personality (Northouse, 2004). Nevertheless, from the proposed description it is visible that the contingency model of leadership is highly relevant to special events management setting. By pointing at contingency of leadership on the context it provides the explanation for the large variety of transferable skills expected of the applicants in special events management: every event can be seen as a unique project, thus concerned with different people and contextual factors, therefore requiring distinct leadership practice. Furthermore, this approach overcomes the shortcomings of the previously discussed concepts by emphasizing the importance of the holistic appreciation of environmental context for the choice of most effective leadership practice and the need for the leader to flexibly adapt to the followers requirements, thus accentuating the leader-follower relationship as the core of the leadership concept (Northouse, 2004). To conclude, the conducted analysis of the practical requirements against the traits, skills and contingency theory reveals that despite identified limitations, the theoretical concepts on leadership originating from research in general business setting provide adequate rationale for emphasis placed on the problem-solving and people-management skills; as well as traits such as enthusiasm, charisma and creativity visible in the job advertisements for positions in special events management. Nevertheless, taking into consideration the total array of the practical requirements, it can be said that indeed, leadership in special events management is organised around a distinct combination of skills and traits that find complete explanation in the characteristics of the profession, rather than theoretical concepts.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Georgina’s Struggle for Freedom in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and he

Georgina’s Struggle for Freedom in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover  Ã‚        Ã‚   In his work "The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover", Peter Greenaway displays the complexity of his main character Georgina. We witness her constant struggle to break free from her hateful and disgusting husband. She realizes her pernicious dependence on Albert. His coercion, oppression and abuse make Georgina's life unbearable. Her need for freedom is expressed in her involvement in a sexual relation with a man completely different from her husband and his cronies. Their relationship begins silently and is based almost entirely on sex. Sex gave her a measure of control in a world in which her real influence was limited and problematic (Giddens, p.70). The happiness that the lovers derive from the closeness, affection and tenderness of their sexuality are things that Georgina was missing in her inauthentic life. Passion appears as a strong element in their liaison and till the circumstances allowed them to make love unnoticed, their relationship was a carefree and happ y experience. When their affair was discovered by Georgina's husband and Michael was afterwards brutally killed, Georgina is left with her confused feelings, unable to assess the real value of the relationship she had with Michael.       In the situation of Georgina there is a sentient need for a creative and rewarding relationship. This physical-psychological desire, however, does not have love as the basis of a long-term, deep emotional relationship between two individuals (Goldman, Philosophy of Sex, pp. 78-79). It is more the bodily desire for the body of another that dominates her mental life (Goldman, Philosophy of Sex, p. 76). In the Georgina's need for... ...       Works Cited Greenaway, Peter. "The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover". Dis Voir. Paris, 1989. Singer, Irving. The Pursuit of Love. The John Hopkins University Press. London, 1994. Soble, Alan., edited by. The Philosophy of Sex. Contemporary Readings. Revised Second Edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1991. Rank, Otto. Beyond Psychology. Dover Publications. New York. Copyright (c) 1941 by Estelle B. Rank. 1958. Lepp, Ignace. The Psychology of Loving. Translated by Bernard B. Gilligan. A Mentor Book from New American Library, Times Mirror. New York, 1963. Giddens, Anthony. The Transformation of Intimacy. Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Stanford University Press. Stanford CA, 1992. Schneider, David J. Social Psychology. University of Texas, San Antonio. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1976.    Georgina’s Struggle for Freedom in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and he Georgina’s Struggle for Freedom in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover  Ã‚        Ã‚   In his work "The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover", Peter Greenaway displays the complexity of his main character Georgina. We witness her constant struggle to break free from her hateful and disgusting husband. She realizes her pernicious dependence on Albert. His coercion, oppression and abuse make Georgina's life unbearable. Her need for freedom is expressed in her involvement in a sexual relation with a man completely different from her husband and his cronies. Their relationship begins silently and is based almost entirely on sex. Sex gave her a measure of control in a world in which her real influence was limited and problematic (Giddens, p.70). The happiness that the lovers derive from the closeness, affection and tenderness of their sexuality are things that Georgina was missing in her inauthentic life. Passion appears as a strong element in their liaison and till the circumstances allowed them to make love unnoticed, their relationship was a carefree and happ y experience. When their affair was discovered by Georgina's husband and Michael was afterwards brutally killed, Georgina is left with her confused feelings, unable to assess the real value of the relationship she had with Michael.       In the situation of Georgina there is a sentient need for a creative and rewarding relationship. This physical-psychological desire, however, does not have love as the basis of a long-term, deep emotional relationship between two individuals (Goldman, Philosophy of Sex, pp. 78-79). It is more the bodily desire for the body of another that dominates her mental life (Goldman, Philosophy of Sex, p. 76). In the Georgina's need for... ...       Works Cited Greenaway, Peter. "The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover". Dis Voir. Paris, 1989. Singer, Irving. The Pursuit of Love. The John Hopkins University Press. London, 1994. Soble, Alan., edited by. The Philosophy of Sex. Contemporary Readings. Revised Second Edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1991. Rank, Otto. Beyond Psychology. Dover Publications. New York. Copyright (c) 1941 by Estelle B. Rank. 1958. Lepp, Ignace. The Psychology of Loving. Translated by Bernard B. Gilligan. A Mentor Book from New American Library, Times Mirror. New York, 1963. Giddens, Anthony. The Transformation of Intimacy. Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Stanford University Press. Stanford CA, 1992. Schneider, David J. Social Psychology. University of Texas, San Antonio. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1976.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Capital Punishment Is A Deterrent To Crime Essay -- Pro-Death Penalty

Capital Punishment has ended the lives of criminals for centuries. People have debated whether the government should have the power to decide one person’s life. On one side, people think the government does not have the right to play God as well as believe that the death penalty is simply unethical. Forty-eight percent of a half sample survey stated that life imprisonment was a better punishment for murder while forty-seven percent stated that capital punishment was a better punishment (Newport). However, capital punishment should be enforced throughout the country to help deter crime, benefit the economy, and ensures retribution. The one thing that people fear the most is death. Nothing deters anyone, including criminals, more than their biggest fear. Most cases show that death is always more feared than life imprisonment (Haag). Additionally, once the murderer has been executed, the sensation he or she gets from committing crimes will become nonexistent. Evidence shows that most of the prisoners who were administered the opportunity to start life over and be emancipated from prison early or managed to escape, in the long run, started killing innocent people eventually. Professor Paul Cassell did a study of one hundred sixty-four Georgia murderers, and of those one hundred sixty-four murderers, eight of them had committed consequential murders in the next seven years of their release (â€Å"Morally Defensible?†). Since 1935, the rate of murder has been steadily decreasing. However, it had escalated immensely after the Supreme Court began to, on a routine basis, make the state death penalty null and void, starting in 1963. With the discontinuation of capital punishment, murders and homicides quickly rose to outland... ...n?url=>. "The Death Penalty: Morally Defensible?" Casey's Critical Thinking. Web. 04 May 2012. . Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 04 May 2012. . "Sixty-Nine Percent of Americans Support Death Penalty." Web. 04 May 2012. . "Top 10 Pros and Cons - Death Penalty -" Death Penalty Web. 04 May 2012. . Tucker, William. "Capital Punishment Works." Weekly Standard. Web. . Capital Punishment Is A Deterrent To Crime Essay -- Pro-Death Penalty Capital Punishment has ended the lives of criminals for centuries. People have debated whether the government should have the power to decide one person’s life. On one side, people think the government does not have the right to play God as well as believe that the death penalty is simply unethical. Forty-eight percent of a half sample survey stated that life imprisonment was a better punishment for murder while forty-seven percent stated that capital punishment was a better punishment (Newport). However, capital punishment should be enforced throughout the country to help deter crime, benefit the economy, and ensures retribution. The one thing that people fear the most is death. Nothing deters anyone, including criminals, more than their biggest fear. Most cases show that death is always more feared than life imprisonment (Haag). Additionally, once the murderer has been executed, the sensation he or she gets from committing crimes will become nonexistent. Evidence shows that most of the prisoners who were administered the opportunity to start life over and be emancipated from prison early or managed to escape, in the long run, started killing innocent people eventually. Professor Paul Cassell did a study of one hundred sixty-four Georgia murderers, and of those one hundred sixty-four murderers, eight of them had committed consequential murders in the next seven years of their release (â€Å"Morally Defensible?†). Since 1935, the rate of murder has been steadily decreasing. However, it had escalated immensely after the Supreme Court began to, on a routine basis, make the state death penalty null and void, starting in 1963. With the discontinuation of capital punishment, murders and homicides quickly rose to outland... ...n?url=>. "The Death Penalty: Morally Defensible?" Casey's Critical Thinking. Web. 04 May 2012. . Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 04 May 2012. . "Sixty-Nine Percent of Americans Support Death Penalty." Web. 04 May 2012. . "Top 10 Pros and Cons - Death Penalty -" Death Penalty Web. 04 May 2012. . Tucker, William. "Capital Punishment Works." Weekly Standard. Web. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

An Analysis of Relationships in “The Kite Runner” Essay

â€Å"In the Kite Runner, relationships between fathers and sons are never joyful†. What do you think of this view? After having read the statement, my initial thoughts were that of course, at some point in the novel, relationships between fathers and sons were happy and full of joy, though after more consideration, I have decided that I agree with the statement, as, even in jubilant moments, the foundations of the relationships are built on lies and deceit, darkening the meaning of the temporarily- found happiness. An example of this would be the relationship between Ali and Hassan who seemingly had a very strong relationship, in which Ali was proud of the person his son was slowly becoming and cherished him dearly, as if his presence simply made the world a better place- â€Å"he had found his joy, his antidote, the moment Sanaubar had given birth to Hassan†. This suggests that, despite the fact we later learn that Ali isn’t Hassan’s paternal father, he has loved him as if he were his own from the very moment he was born, raising him as his own. The extent of Ali’s love is masked, however, by the fact that he lied to his ‘son’ his entire life, something some would claim to be selfish as he wanted to retain an ounce of self-respect, to have something he could call his own and, finally, to actually have a child, as he wouldn’t be able to have one any other way, due to his being sterile. On the other hand, some may say that of course, some of the happier relationships in the novel are purely and simply that: joyous relationships with no ulterior motive or reasoning. For example, the relationship between Hassan and Sohrab, in which it is completely obvious that Hassan would have done anything for his son, whilst being totally honest with him so as not to keep anything from him which may have tainted their lives together in anyway, other than his experience in the alley; omitted in order to allow hi son to maintain his innocence a while longer, in a world where it would surely be taken from him too early anyway. Hassan yearned for his son to be given the best opportunities in life, so as not to be a servant his whole life- â€Å"taught him to read and write- his son was not going to grow up illiterate like he had.†

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Kant and the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

According to Kant metaphysics is the â€Å"occupation of reason with itself†. In more concrete terms, it is the mind making logical connections between a priori concepts and coming to an objective truth thereby, without reference to experience.[1] The question posed by him in the Prolegomena is whether such an objective truth is at all possible. The conclusion derived in the end is that there is indeed such an objective truth, which is effected through pure reason. But equally important in the assertion is that such metaphysics is beyond human understanding.The title â€Å"Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics† suggests that Kant does indeed anticipate an irrefutable metaphysics to be in the grasp of men in the future, but he never makes such a claim in the text itself. The thing that Kant aimed for was clarity in the field of metaphysical endeavor, and this is the ‘future metaphysics’. ‘Future’ can be interpreted in two ways here. First in the sense already suggested, so that metaphysical thinking is founded on a scientific basis, in which the terms and strategies it employs are well defined. But it can also be hinting at transcendental possibility, that by which all contradictions are resolved through â€Å"pure reason†.Scientific clarity is the aim, and thus Kant justifies the labor involved in Critique Of Pure Reason (1781), of which the Prolegomena was a sequel meant to make more accessible. He is at pains to point out that there is a moral obligation involved here. People cannot surrender themselves to unreason, because reason is the very make-up of the human, so postulates Kant. The suggestion that reason be abandoned was made by David Hume, who had spelt out a comprehensive theory of empirical skepticism.All our knowledge is through sense perceptions, therefore are entirely subjective, and cannot be tied into an absolute whole through the application of reason. It is merely by the means of custom that we ac quire a coherent worldview, he maintained.[2] Kant saw this as a capitulation to unreason. It was not just Hume’s personal viewpoint that mattered. It was indeed a wider crisis in metaphysics that he was addressing.When Newton’s physics could not be subsumed under any metaphysics, this engendered an intellectual confusion, and Hume’s solution was that metaphysics be abandoned as impossible. Kant enjoined that it is impossible to abandon metaphysics, for man reasons by necessity. Instead of finality we must aim for metaphysical clarity, and this is absolutely contingent upon us, indeed a moral obligation. He made what seem to be boastful claims about the crucial importance of the Critique in the history of metaphysics, but a closer examination will show that it is not from conceit, but rather from moral outrage.The true nature of metaphysics is laid out with scientific clarity in the Critique and the Prolegomena, and this is the essence that Kant wants to convey, not the final outcome. He takes Hume to task in the very opening of the Critique:  Although all our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it arises entirely from experience. For it is quite possible that our empirical knowledge is a compound of that which we receive through impressions and that which our own faculty of knowing (incited by impressions) supplies from itself.[3]When considering sensual perception he first makes the distinction between a priori and a posteriori, the first suggesting an innate facility of the mind, and the second is a facility borne after the event. The second distinction is between analytical and synthetic propositions. In an analytic proposition the predicate is contained within the subject, such as â€Å"the flamingo is a bird†. In a synthetic proposition the predicate adds something new to the subject, such as â€Å"the flamingo is pink†. The pinkness is not in the definition of flamingo, but rather has to be got from observation, and therefore it is also a posteriori.Synthetic a posteriori propositions are employed in the field of natural science. On the other hand all mathematical truths are innate, i.e. we ascertain their truth before sensory perception. They are also synthetic: when we say â€Å"3+4=7†, then ‘7’ is a new concept, not contained in either ‘3’ of ‘4’. Mathematics holds the key to metaphysics, according to Kant. It demonstrates that synthetic a priori propositions are possible, which is contrary to normal expectation. We feel that whatever is innate is necessarily analytical. We are what we are, separated from the objective natural world beyond us. Against this instinctive point of view, Kant contended that we are not passive observers of an external world separated from us, but that with our innate faculties we â€Å"synthesize† our own subjective reality.The first stage of this synthesis is when we intuit objects in our perception. â€Å"Things in themselves† can never appear to us; we only have subjective sensory data to work with. It is a meaningless jumble of light, sound, touch, taste and smell, but then our faculty of sensibility intervenes and creates order out of this chaos. This faculty is synthetic a priori, and makes use of pure intuitions. Space is one such pure intuition. Newton had maintained that space is an external, absolute and inviolable reality. Kant counters that, no, space is pure intuition. Time is another such.Through the faculties of sensibility we come to make a judgment of perception. Thus far it is an entirely subjective viewpoint, with no objective framework to relate to that would link our views with those of others. This is the function of our judgment of experience. It too is synthetic a priori, and links the objects of perception into a rational order that facilitates understanding. This is done through pure concepts of understanding, and causation is one of t hem. Through this faculty we know that one event is cause to another, and thus wise we have come across Hume’s impasse, where he could find no rational construct that could link a effect to a cause when confined to empirical sense data.[4] â€Å"Cause and effect† is thus a concept of human understanding. Such understanding is composed of components that are a priori and synthetic, and it is meant to make the world intelligible to us.Just because the world is made intelligible, it does not imply that we do not meet contradiction. When we think we do so discursively, i.e. we think by making propositions in terms of subjects and predicates. But each subject we introduce is the predicate of another subject in an infinite chain. Because the absolute subject is beyond our grasp, discursive reason naturally leads to fallacies. In fact each truthful proposition will be found to have an equally valid refutation, which together are described as pairs of antimonies. Kant cites fo ur cosmological antimonies, one of which places infinite space against a limited one. He goes on to show that there is no contradiction in essence. As originating in the judgment of perception space does indeed have a beginning. But as regards human understanding space is necessarily infinite. The conflict arises from metaphysics failing to distinguish the noumenal (thing in itself) from the phenomenal (as appears to human understanding).Thus far does metaphysics gain clarity, but not finality. The human mind cannot help ponder on the questions of metaphysics, but it must come to terms with the fact that it is ‘bounded’. Human understanding is meant to make the outer world intelligible, and thus proves inadequate when the focus is redirected to the inner essence of the mind, which is the object that metaphysics must study. But the overriding lesson of metaphysics is that pure reason subsumes all. One must not despair of human reason, for one must know that it originates in pure reason and is overcome by it in the end.Subservience to pure reason is indeed a moral obligation. Other than clarity in metaphysics, which is not suitable for all, Kant advanced his categorical imperative: â€Å"I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law.†[5] We cannot help noticing that this is only a rewording of the golden rule of Christianity: â€Å"Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.†[6] Thus through clarity in metaphysics Kant can be said to have arrived at religious doctrine too.ReferencesHume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. Eric Steinberg. Boston: Hackett Publishing, 1993.Jeffrey, David L. A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature.  Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1992.Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. Werner S. Pluhar. Ed. Eric Watkins. Boston: Hackett Publishing Company, 1999.Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Ed. Mary Gregor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.Kant, Immanuel. Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2005.[1] Immanuel Kant, Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2005, p. 92.[2] David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Ed. Eric Steinberg, Boston: Hackett Publishing, 1993, p. 29.[3] Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. Werner S. Pluhar, Ed. Eric Watkins, Boston: Hackett Publishing Company, 1999, p. 1. [4] Hume, Enquiry, p. 49. [5] Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Ed. Mary Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 16. [6] David L. Jeffrey, A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature,  Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1992, p. 314.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Situation Audit & TimeLine for UNILEVER FOOD SOLUTION Essay

Situation Audit & TimeLine for UNILEVER FOOD SOLUTION - Essay Example uilar (1967) was the first academician to discuss business analysis through a tool he called ETPS (Economic, Technological, Political and Social factors). According to him these external environmental factor influenced business decisions. From then onwards this has changed names to PEST, PESTEL etc and used extensively as an external analytical tool. (Aguilar 1967). Politically conditions and policies for companies dealing with food, even pre-cooked food are favourable and there are few barriers posed except for stringent health concerns. Therefore worldwide there is acceptance for Unilever foods. The economic factors are favourable too as with globalization of trade and industry more work is being created and incomes, specially of the middle class that consumes most of the pre-cooked foods, is rising. This is creating new markets for such products. Speaking of social factors it must be said that with the advent of industrial and trading activity, people of all classes, from executives to workers, are more actively engaged with work and have less time for cooking at home. This makes pre-cooked food a preferred item for its ease and ready to serve capability and is also less expensive than eating out. According to van Wylick (2007, pg. 1), Porters Five Forces model represents an ideal situational analysis of an industry. The central force is competitive rivalry that exists within the given industry. The other four forces that Unilever must deal with are the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of customers, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of substitute products. In this time of economic turmoil, suppliers can have quite a bit of bargaining power over Unilever. A good supply chain can offset this problem. The bargaining power of customers is also strong in this unstable economy and drives the pricing of the products. The threat of new entrants is unlikely since the market is fairly saturated and the economy does not favor new

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Crafting and Executing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crafting and Executing Strategy - Assignment Example † And in this way, questions are answered for each stage. Strategic plan involves the mixture of vision, mission and out of the box thinking. Strategic planning is one of the major management tools managers have to be perfect at. It can offer many benefits for the business, like communicating the main set objectives and plans to the staff, developing a competitive advantage against the rival firms, providing a sense of direction and purpose and communicating the plan of action etc. Without the strategic plan, there will be no direction for the business and this could lead to the business being lost (Olsen, Tse & West 1998). Financial performance could also deter without these plans A mission statement is a precise statement of the business’ core targets and cynosure, framed in such a way to persuade and trigger interest by outside groups and the other stakeholders. The Mission Statement of the hotel that I am the manager with is â€Å"To provide exquisite hospitableness and cordiality to our priceless guests by delivering the finest personal and intuitive services to them.† These statements are not linked to a particular goal, but try to sum up – it describes the aims in an influential and an appealing way. Mission statements can prove to be essential for firms of all sizes. They quickly inform the stakeholders of the business of the main aim and vision are. They can also prove to ignite a spark to the employees and tell the outside groups that the business and its staff have these positive traits. They establish in the view of other stakeholders ‘what the firm is about’ and hence can provide public relations and increase the chances of success for them. While Vision statements are those statements of what the firm would want to acquire and achieve in the long-run. There are some distinctions between the vision and the mission statements. Mission statements are the synopsis of the whole of the purpose of the organization, while a vision statement, on the contrary, tells the picture of the ‘desired future’ and how the business will look if it is successful in accomplishing its mission. The vision statement of my hotel is â€Å"We will be recognized by our superior hospitality services, selectively franchising and flawless management. Introducing newness in our every assistance will also provide the platform for our goodwill.† There is a simple link between the concepts of vision statement, mission statement and strategic planning. Without the focal point brought by the vision and mission statements, planning new strategies and stance in order to give direction to the company will not be helpful as there is no central idea and the business could get lost in heading to the goals. These statements can prevent the firm from drifting away from the ambitions of the organization. It is really critical that both vision and mission statement are not ‘artistry of words’ so that they impress the people or customers, but also they are relevant to the business, understood by the staff and then are evolved into important strategic actions. Operational objectives

Monday, October 7, 2019

Journal Responce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Responce - Essay Example King supports the argument stating that civil disobedience is one of the main tools used by historical figures and nations to protect and justify their rights and freedom. "There is nothing new about this kind of disobedience" (p.5). Stating a thesis, King uses historical information to attract listeners attention at once. The author shows that Americans should be free from segregation and racial discrimination using direct actions, because "freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor" (p.3). The argument is aimed to persuade and convince its audience of the truth of his statement explaining that non-violent civil disobedience have deep historical roots and closely connected with human rights movements. King attempts to persuade listeners that all people are equal and racial discrimination is based on unjust laws which should be eliminated. King uses definitional arguments to explain just and unjust laws. He explains that segregation laws are unjust laws: "Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all" (p.4). These arguments are crucial for the speech because they explain to unprepared listeners principles and social rules of a free society and equal rights. Definitional arguments help listeners to grasp the idea at once and inform them about legal rules and principles of social justice. It

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Definition of Shame, Unforgettable Shame and Self perception Essay

Definition of Shame, Unforgettable Shame and Self perception - Essay Example Kaufman (1993a, pp.5-6) defines shame as wound within inner self which is deeply disturbing to the self, causing the sickness within the self and the soul which always leads to the feelings of inferiority. This view has been supported in the work of Evans (1994, p.103) who states, â€Å"with shame there is a sense of inferiority in which the other is perceived as more powerful and capable of inflict injury on the self, usually via scorn, contempt, or humiliation†. Jane Middelton-Moz (1990, p.xii) and Holly Vanscoy (2006) both have written that â€Å"the hurt emotion feeling arise from the consciousness of something embarrassment, humiliation, dishonourable, unacceptable, ludicrous etc done by oneself or another†. In my opinion, the individual who faced shame always perceives him or herself as flawed, unwanted, neglected, surplus, or fundamentally broken. Nearly every human being experience shame at some point in his or her life. Most of shame stories in their lives become the unforgettable one. The unforgettable rather haunting shame memory follows people throughout their lives. Shame incident might have happened a long time ago, but memory remains even after years. Sometimes the individual becomes very successful in the country or in the community, but the memory of unforgettable shame keeps clinging to even the developed and successful self. During the research, there were numerous instances when I found a general agreement of psychologists and therapist about the idea that adult personality is greatly influenced by early childhood experiences. Those who experienced shame during early childhood time period could never let their memory of the incident go forever. It remains and leaves extremely powerful impact on adult self perception. For understanding shame in childhood and its manifestation in adulthood in the form of low self-esteem, we need to understand the concept of ‘self’ itself. Self is fundamental part of Carl Rogers’s personality theory. He refers to it as, â€Å"the organized, consistent set of perceptions and beliefs about oneself.†Self is a humanistic term that describes us as person. It is not only influenced by a person’s experiences throughout life but also the interpretation of these experiences. Major factors that influence human self concept are: childhood experiences and evaluation by others (cited in McLeod, 2007). Bradshaw’s idea of a toxic shame seems to be intriguing in this regard. He (1990, p. 47) wrote it as â€Å"the feeling of being flawed and diminished and never measuring up†. The strong inner emotions and feelings of being insufficient, neglected, inadequate, defective and unwanted keep haunting the individual. Bradshaw (1990, p. 47) further attributes the toxic shame as a nucleus of the wounded child around which he or she keeps revolving. For instance, the individual, who faced traumatic or hurtful experience during their childhood which they could not forget all the way through their life are called wounded child and prone to shame. According to Adler, a neglected child has never known love and cooperation in the home; therefore, he finds it very difficult to develop these abilities as an adult. They do not know how to gain affection and respect from other people. As adults usually they are cold and hard (Frager, R. & Fadiman, J., 1998. p. 111-112). The shamed self is considered to be unable to cope with the difficult situation. As an object of scorn, humiliation,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Managing Operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Managing Operation - Essay Example   The operations of an establishment are all the activities which are directly linked to accomplish the key function of the organization – be it producing a product or rendering services. In both the cases the operations system of rules will offer the transition of certain inputs, like materials and labour, into outputs, as products or services. This paper will discuss about the company Toyota Corporation and how it became the number one car maker. Toyota Motor Corporation, which is based in Toyota, Japan, is one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturer offering well known car models like Camry, Corolla, Corona and Lexus. Though a late entrant compared to General Motors and Ford, Toyota had become one strongest player in the automobile industry. In an industry generally considered to be mature in terms of technology, Toyota had continued to set benchmarks for providing value to customers more effectively than competitors. Toyota had also redefined the rules of operation management in various areas like product development, manufacturing process, vendor management, customer satisfaction and human resource management. The formal establishment of Toyota motor company ltd., took place in 1937 and since then it moves onto become the leader in the global automobile industry. By 31st march 2008, Toyota group approximately sold 8.9 million vehicles in 170 countries under the Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino brands. Since the automobile industry is now facing a recession, Toyota aims to achieve sustainable growth by building a more flexible and stronger operational process and corporate structure to counter the challenges of the hyper competitive market world over (Annual Report, Toyota, 2008). Toyota devised lean production which is otherwise known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) which has started a worldwide shift in almost every industry to Toyota’s

Friday, October 4, 2019

Foreign Policy in the Nixon Presidency Essay Example for Free

Foreign Policy in the Nixon Presidency Essay Richard Nixon is one of the most controversial figures in American history. His presidency is remembered most for the Watergate scandal and his subsequent resignation but some of his foreign policies forever altered American foreign diplomacy. One of the major policies that President Nixon was responsible for was changing the nature of the United States relationship with China. He did this by setting into motion covert diplomatic actions and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Nixon’s reasons for improving relationships with the Communist regime was to force the Soviet Union to be more accommodating to American demands and to also help end the war in Vietnam. Another reason for improving relations was very personal for Richard Nixon. He wanted to show his power as an international statesman to the world and American public. American/Chinese relations for many years were friendly and involved the trade of goods and ideas. American missionaries had gone to China to build churches and hospitals. The two countries were allies against the Japanese during World War II. After the war ended the United States was not an ally of China as a whole but one political group, the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang, led by Chang Kai Shek, were in battled in a civil war with the Chinese communists who would eventually win out. Chang Kai Shek would take his government to the island of Taiwan. After the civil war, the United States only recognized Chang’s Republic of China and kept the People’s Republic of China, led by Mao Ze-Dong, out of the United Nations and other international bodies. This led to an isolation of China by a majority of the international community. The only diplomatic relations the United States had with China were through intermediary countries. While relations with the United States were sour, the Chinese relationship with the Soviet Union had quickly deteriorated. Both China and the Soviet Union were communist countries but their ideologies were very different. Their relationship slowly became strained and both countries started to build up troops along their common border through the 1960s. After the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia and released the Brezhnev Doctrine, which stated that the Kremlin â€Å"had the right to correct deviationism in other communist countries by military intervention,† the Chinese no longer considered the Soviet Union as an ally. This led to violent border clashes between the two countries in March 1969. By the end of 1969 the Soviet Union had over a million troops stationed along the Soviet/Chinese border and missiles aimed at major Chinese cities. The year before, a former republican vice-president from California, Richard Nixon, was elected president. He had made a name for him self in Congress as a leading anti-communist and he went on to serve as vice-president under Dwight D Eisenhower. Even before he was elected president, Nixon had expressed interest in opening up relations with China despite his previous negative views of communism. In 1967 he wrote an article for Foreign Affairs magazine where he stated â€Å"We simply cannot afford to leave China forever outside the family of nations, there to nurture its fantasies, cherish its hates and threaten its neighbors. There is no place on this small planet for a billion of its potentially most able people to live in angry isolation.† After his election as President Richard Nixon decided to make China one of the primary focuses of his foreign policy. One of his primary reasons for doing this was to gain an upper hand in the now 20-year-old Cold War with the Soviet Union. The Soviets had taken over several Eastern European countries and turned them into communist states in an attempt to show the world the successes of Communism. Also by the late 1960s the United States was no longer confident that it could win a war with the Soviet Union since they had had the two decades since the Second World War to regain it military strength. This required the United States to have to change strategies in dealing with the Soviet Union. They now had to shift their focus to gaining China as an ally. The State Department in the summer of 1969 began to announce various unilateral gestures of reconciliation. Many restrictions on travel and trade were lifted. This would become know as â€Å"Ping Pong† diplomacy. It was so named after the United States ping-pong team was invited to the Chinese capital in April of 1971. During their visit the group was treated as though they were dignitaries or royalty. They played matches against the Chinese team but also visited important landmarks through out China. The American delegation was accompanied by members of the press and was closely watched by the American public. At a banquet for the visiting Americans, Chou En-Lai, the Chinese Premier told the group, â€Å"Exchanges between our two countries have been cut off for a long time but now, with your acceptance of our invitation, you have opened a new page in the relations of the Chinese and American people.† While the American ping-pong players were the talk of the media, behi nd the scenes Nixon was putting into action his plan to improve relations with China. He did this by employing his National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, to make covert communications with the Chinese government. Before the Ping-Pong players had ever set foot in China and at the beginning of his presidency Nixon had Kissinger prepare a study on the feasibility of improving American/Chinese relations. Originally Kissinger was hesitant about the idea of talks with China even being quoted as saying â€Å"this crazy guy really does want to normalize relations with China.† But even Kissinger knew that an alliance between the United States and China could shift the global political powers more in favor of the United States and away from communism and the Soviet Union. One of the biggest roadblocks to improving relations with China was the issue of Taiwan. Since the Chinese civil war ended the United States had only recognized the government of the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan. So even as Nixon is trying to improve relations with communist China there is still the issue that the United States does not officially recognize the People’s Republic of China as a legitimate government. To ease some of China’s concerns, Nixon instructs his administration to terminate navel patrols in the Straight of Taiwan. Also in a radio address that Nixon gave on February 25, 1971 regarding his congressional foreign policy report he reiterated both his intention to protect Taiwan but open up talks with China. â€Å"We will search for consecutive discussions with Communist China while maintaining our defense commitment to Taiwan. When the Government of the Peoples Republic of China is ready to engage in talks, it will find us receptive to agreements that further the legitimate national interests of China and its neighbors.† A visit to China was next on Nixon’s foreign policy agenda. He announced his intentions in 1970, taking much of the world by surprise especially the Soviet Union. He negotiated this visit first by secretly sending Henry Kissinger to Beijing in July of 1971. Kissinger made this covert trip by faking illness on a diplomatic visit to Pakistan and flying to China to convey Nixon’s intention to Premier Zhou En-Lai. It was decided that President Nixon would visit the following year. On February 21, 1972, Richard Nixon became the first United States President to visit China. The following week would become known as the â€Å"week that changed the world. † President Nixon would only meet with an ailing Mao Ze-dong one time during his visit but it would set in motion events that would lead to United States recognition of Mao’s government and an end to the Cold War. The visit ended with both countries issuing the Shanghai Communiquà ©. In this document both countries pledged to work towards normalization of relations. The United States also agreed to remove military forces from Taiwan. Shortly after the delegations return from their visit to China, Richard Nixon tasked Henry Kissinger with negotiating arms treaties with the Soviet Union. With the well-publicized visit closely watched by the Soviets the United States now had more bargaining power. In 1972, Kissinger negotiated the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks. The two Cold-War super powers agreed that they would begin limiting missiles, nuclear arms, and delivery systems. With his relative success in negotiating deals with both China and the Soviet Union, Richard Nixon was hopeful that he would have the same success in negotiating a deal with North Vietnam to end the Vietnam War. Going into his re-election campaign in 1972 the United States had been at war in Vietnam for 12 years, over 50,000 had been killed, and billions of dollars had been spent. His first major policy regarding Vietnam that Nixon put into place was the Nixon Doctrine. The Doctrine had three major tenants. First, the United States would honor all of its treaty agreements. Secondly, the United States would provide a shield if a nuclear power threatened an ally or a country the United States deemed to be vital to its national security. And, lastly, the United States would provide military and economic aid to countries under treaty agreements, but the requesting nation would be expected to bear primary responsibility to provide the manpower for its own defense. The Nixon Doctrine led to the withdrawal of ground troops from Vietnam and training the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) in defense of their own country. Nixon had also hoped that his new treaties with China would help to isolate the North Vietnamese and convince them to sign a peace treaty. In 1973, a cease-fire was negotiated at the Paris Peace Accords and ended United States involvement in Vietnam. However this did not stop the spread of communism to south Vietnam. Nixon’s improved relations with China were largely unsuccessful in there being a positive resolution of the Vietnam War. While the entire episode of the Vietnam War was seen as a blemish on Richard Nixon’s Presidency he was still very concerned about his image not only among the American public but on the world stage as well. He wanted to use his visit to China to draw attention to his expertise as a global statesman. Among the people that accompanied Nixon on his trip to China was White House Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman. While Nixon was meeting mostly with Chinese Premier Zhou and negotiating agreements, Haldeman and Nixon’s wife Pat toured factories and schools throughout China. Mrs. Nixon was followed by a large group of press. Bob Haldeman was in charge of making their visit look very positive to the American public. Margaret MacMillan writes in her book Nixon in China, â€Å"The images flowed back to the United States, targeted for prime-time evening television. It was a presidential election year at home and Haldeman wanted to make sure that Nixon shone out as the great leader and statesman.† From the very beginning of his Presidency Richard Nixon always wanted to be seen in a positive light especially his portrayal in the media. He tasked members of his staff with combating any negative comments said about him and manage any news about him. He bordered on obsessive when it came to public image. His first week in office he formed a task called the â€Å"Five O’clock† group that was responsible for monitoring television programs for any negative comments about the President or his administration and defending them. With the Vietnam War and the protests to the end the war at the top of most news stories, Nixon needed to do something to get his name back in the limelight. Many believe that this a major factor for his motivation to reach out to China and his subsequent visit. During his time in China he made sure the entire trip was highly publicized. He did numerous photo opportunities at such places like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. The reception his visit received by the American public was very positive. This was their first view into the isolated nation in over 20 years. This view, however, was a carefully scripted play put on by the Chinese government. This was their attempt to show a â€Å"New† China, not one that was still suffering from th e isolationist policies of the Cultural Revolution. The Chinese officials responsible for showing China in a positive way had people picnicking outside of factories in the bitter cold listening to revolutionary music and then collected the radios they were listening to after the delegation left. These inconsistencies were noticed by a Canadian member of the press to which Premier Zhou had to quietly admit that this was wrong of them to do. But the idea of a â€Å"New† China would only help President Nixon portray to the world that America and China, even with such opposite political views, could come to an understanding. His visit took the entire worlds view off of Vietnam and on to him personally while he visited China. Kissinger had pled with President Nixon to not make his trip to China a media circus because of the impact it would have internationally with America’s allies and enemies. International reaction to the visit was mixed. The United States allies were mostly disappointed that they had been kept in the dark about the new relations. The British felt particularly offended that they were not informed before hand about the dealings going on between the Americans and the Chinese. Even with the somewhat cool reception in the international community about Richard Nixon’s visit to China it was still one of the most significant moments in United States foreign policy during the Cold War. Henry Kissinger wrote in his memoir On China, â€Å" The reward for Sino-American rapprochement would not be a state of perpetual friendship or a harmony of values, but a rebalancing of the global equilibrium.† Richard Nixon helped to accomplish this by improving relations with China in an effort to change the American relationship with the Soviet Union and end the Vietnam War. While his intentions were for both personal and professional gain, either way his foreign policies remain at the top of his successes as President. Nixon’s presidency is mostly remembered of one wrought with corruption and following the Watergate scandal, he is still the only United States President to resign from office. He became known as politician that would use any means necessary to accomplish his goals but this also led to his downfall. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bundy, William. A Tangled Web: The making of Foreign Policy in the Nixon Presidency. New York, 1989. Chang, Gordon H.. Friends and enemies: the United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1990. Devoss, David A. Ping-Pong Diplomacy. Smithsonian . 33. no. 1 2002 Keilers, John G. U.S. Army Military History Institute, Nixon Doctrine and Vietnamization. Last modified 2007. Accessed November 14, 2012. Kissinger, Henry On China. New York: Penguin Press, 2011. Print. MacMillan, Margaret. Nixon in China: the week that changed the world. Toronto: Viking Canada, 2006. Nixon, Richard. Miller Center, Radio Address About Second Annual Foreign Policy Report to the Congress . Last modified 1971. Accessed November 14, 2012. Nixon, Richard M. Asia After Viet Nam. Foreign Affairs, October 1967. (accessed October 18, 2012) Small, Melvin. The presidency of Richard Nixon. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1999. Walker, Anne Collins, John Eastman, and Elizabeth C Eastman. China calls: paving the way for Nixons historic journey to China. Lanham, Md.: Madison Books :, 1992.