Sunday, December 29, 2019

Film and Cinematography styles used in the Shawshank Redemption Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Sound: Sound makes a crucial part of The Shawshank Redemption. The audience location is directed by the sound effects, where the clattering of steel cells takes the audience into prison. It is undeniable that sound plays a pivotal role in the films storyline. Without Red’s offer to connect the viewers to Andy’s story, the plot would be meaningless; to be precise, the story would be nonexistent. Thus Red’s voice together with Andy’s and other character are indispensible part of the entire piece of work. Thomas Newman’s music is used to set tone for the scene. The film opens with the sound of gun shots in the prison where piano-driven music is used to elicit a dark feel and somber mood. However, the situation changes in the last scene where Red and Andy reunite in Mexico. The viewers are driven to think that Andy is on the brink of fulfilling his dreams, thus the music matches this idea by adopting a more inspirational tone. Editing: In The Shawshank Redemption, continuity editing style is employed. The film does not make use of rapid cuts with all the scenes set in such a manner that they dissolve into each other as the movie progresses. We will write a custom essay sample on Film and Cinematography styles used in the Shawshank Redemption or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In the film, the closing of the cell doors signifies the end of a scene in most cases. For example, in the scene where the prison warden goes to speak with Andy, after the two are done, the cell door bangs, light fades and the stage is set for the next scene where Andy appears seated and chatting with Red in the prison area. Andy is neither alone and nor with the prison warden, but with Red indicating to the audience that time has elapsed from the period when the viewers saw Andy’s encounter with the warden. Cinematography: In The Shawshank Redemption Roger Deakins, the film’s photography director, adopts a realism approach to photography for the movie. The inside of the prison is presented as dark, which makes the audience flow with the movie. The dark inside of the prison takes the audience into the prison with and make the viewers feel part of the prison life. When the inmates are outside the cells in the prison area, the darkness lightens up. A bright light is used, which brings a unique feel from that inside the cells. This is an indication of the slightest freedom that the inmates can get in relation to when they are confined in their dark cells. Here, Roger does an excellent job with the variation of lighting and camera work. The Shawshank Redemption utilizes shots of certain sizes throughout the movie. Darabont uses an establishing shot on several occasions in the film.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello - 1449 Words

How to Survive Your First Relationship William Shakespeare, the Elizabethan poet and playwright, wrote his plays within one of four genres: comedy, tragedy, history, or romance. These genres make his plays very different from one another; however, they all share common characteristics. Shakespeare incorporates a message for his audience to become aware that ultimately teaches a lesson. In Othello, the message Shakespeare portrays to his audience is the importance self-knowledge; which is the ability to recognize and accept one’s flaws through forgiveness and thus the ability to love oneself, others, and participate in the love of God. By comparing and contrasting their character traits, Shakespeare uses Iago and Othello to demonstrate†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, through his demonstration in the play, we can assume Othello has positive qualities because he is a military man. His status in the military implies that he is extremely brave, courageous, and self-reli ant. These qualities, though not stated directly in the play, are implied through the overall awareness of what takes to be a high-ranking military solider. Finally, Othello’s positive qualities extend to his capacity to love. He genuinely loves Desdemona; therefore, he violates social protocol by going against her father’s wish: forbidden love between the two. Othello’s feeling for Desdemona are so true that he risks being shamed publicly in order to make her his wife. On the other hand, Iago possesses both positive and negative qualities; which prove Shakespeare’s message. Throughout the play, Iago is considered intelligent due to his ability to easy persuade various characters in the play, such as Othello, Roderigo, and Cassio. This quality implies that he is also a great rhetorician because he is so easily able to sway characters. Iago tells Roderigo that even though Desdemona is married to Othello, there is still a chance he can end up with her (39). Further, Iago is very aware and understanding to human nature. He is able to understand that Othello can become jealous very easily. Also, Iago recognizes that Othello has little experience

Friday, December 13, 2019

Evolution and Considerations in Corporate Governance †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Evolution and Considerations in Corporate Governance. Answer: Introduction: The principles and recommendations set out in the practice of corporate governance is to ensure that the listed entities are likely to achieve good corporate governance outcome so that most of the reasonable expectation of investors are met. There are mainly eight principles as set out by the council and it comprise of board structuring to add value, laying solid foundations for oversight and management, safeguarding of entity in corporate reporting, act responsibly and ethically, making balanced and timely disclosure, remunerating responsibly and fairly, managing and recognizing risks and respecting the security holders rights ( 2018). It is required by the corporate governance principle and recommendations that companies should make disclosure of any material exposure to environmental, economic and risks associated with social sustainability. As assessment of issues of material sustainability has been conducted by Slater and Gordon group. Moreover, it has been ascertained from reviewing of environmental, social and governance risks that a thorough review with respect to the indicators and aspects tabled in the Global reporting the company has conducted initiatives of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines. The role of remuneration governance during the reporting period is to ensure that Salter and Gordon limited meet the requirement of guidelines of council of ASC corporate governance comprising of recommendations and gender diversity principles (Beekes et al. 2015). Group also conducts regular reviewing of uncertainties and risks that could that would have an impact on objective achievement and business strategy. Group in a competitive environment for rewarding executives fairly adopts contemporary executive remuneration strategies. In addition to this, ethical responsibilities of organization have been fulfilled in accordance with code of ethics. Mineral resources have designed safety strategies that focus on consolidation of making considerable improvement in the process of business. It is ensured by organization that critical risky activities are managed and identified with clear accountabilities for critical control verifications. Remuneration policy of Mineral resources is designed in such a way that it helps in addressing the stakeholder key concerns. Structure of remuneration is designed for creating strong link between performance that is based remuneration scheme and strategic priorities of company. Board in engaging with shareholders for understanding their concerns has invested considerable time and efforts. The aspect of strategy of company is maximizing creation of the long-term value of shareholders by way of generating superior return on invested capital. Creating of transparency between performance and direct linkage is the principle guiding remuneration decision of company (Donelson et al. 2015). Composition of boards over the last 3 years: The board of Slater and Gordon group comprise of executive, non-executive directors and managing director. In financial year 2016, there were six non-executive director, one executive director, one managing director and company secretary. As a part of process of recapitalization, Slater and Gordon group renewed the senior management and board in year 2017. This recapitalization provides the best opportunity for securing the employees, firm and clients future. While there were six non-executive directors, one managing director and one executive director of the group. Within the firm, the diversity is shaped by variety of characteristics that encompasses different ways of thinking and enabling them to serve client in a better way to a diversified range of clients. At Slater and Gordon, the commitment of board is to maintain and create a workplace that is inclusive and diversified for retaining and attracting quality employees ( 2018). Ethos of organization is based on profound, social justice and abiding by the respect for institution and law ensuring that legal system fairly and equally treat people. Responsibility of board is to ensure that interest of shareholders and overall strategy of busi ness are aligned with the arrangement of remuneration strategy (Shimeld et al. 2017). Their commitment is to drive alignment between expectations of shareholders and arrangement of shareholders. Role of board as per board charter is defined as approving strategic direction of group. The board of Mineral resources looks forward to continuously guide the company along the exciting path and the proven strategy will continue to benefit all shareholders of company. In September 2017, mineral resources appointed a female non-executive director intended to increase proportion of women in the team of senior leadership. There was improvement in gender diversity of business by developing gender diversity strategy. The composition of board for financial year 2017 comprised of non-executive chairman, managing director, two independent non-executive director, lead independent non-executive director and company secretaries (Tricker and Tricker 2015). While in year 2016, the board comprised of managing director, non-executive chairman, two independent non-executive director and company secretary. The board that helps in maintaining market alignment continuously monitors the remuneration policy. In year 2015, the member of board comprised of non-executive chairman, managing dir ector, four independent non-executive director and company secretary. Policy of board is to conduct periodic review of approach used for remunerating non-executive director so that fees charged by them remain competitive (De Zwart 2015). Board of Mineral resources focused on development of new business initiatives for generating significant future shareholder value and assisting growth of organization as a whole. The primary consideration of the board is capital allocation that takes into account various opportunities available and making investment for maximizing long-term shareholder value. It is identified by management and board of Mineral resources that achievement of objective of group requires to have an uncompromising commitment to environment performance, safety and corporate governance ( 2018). Strength and weakness in TFS corporate governance: The management team and board members of Quintis are committed to high standard of practices of corporate governance. Practices of corporate governance of Quintis comply with the Corporation act, 2001, Company constitution, Australian securities exchange and other applicable regulations and laws. Quintis also complies with the latest corporate governance principles and recommendations of council of ASX corporate governance. The company has a written document policy on relevant procedures and information disclosures. Such procedures focus on continuous disclosure of compliance and making improvement in access to information to investors (Safari et al. 2015). Workplace diversity is one of the important practices of corporate governance that recognizes the benefits of board and gender diversity incorporating retention of employees, high quality employees and deriving benefits from newly acquired talent (Cumming et al. 2016). The diversity strategy of Quintis deals with reviewing of succession plan for ensuring that there is appropriate focus on diversity and culture development that takes into account employees domestic responsibilities. Responsibility of Quintis also lies in monitoring, implementing and reporting on the measurable objectives that are established by human resources. Company performs the application of practices of risk management strategies that helps in improving decision making, reducing uncertainty, protecting stakeholders, supporting the achievement of financial, operational and strategic objectives and ensuring of regulatory compliance (Council and Exchange 2014). Quintis ensure a strong risk management culture for maintaining the strategy of managing the risks. Weakness of corporate governance: The supply deal of Sandalwood grower Quintis with Galderma was terminated and the information about termination was not conveyed to the top management and board of directors. It was reported by Swiss dermatology giant dermatology that a formula used in the Benzac skincare containing pharmaceutical grade sandalwood oil was discontinued. This particular fact depicts the complete failure of corporate governance. Valuation of TFS Corporation was questioned because of its unlikelihood of obtaining finance resulting from poor corporate governance practices, as it was believed that company does not have sufficient capital for maintaining plantations to maturity. The research report published by Glaucus triggered that corporate turmoil and price crash of Quintis marked and indicated the major assault of Australian soil through a new breed of hedge funds known short sellers. Such investors bet on the stock of company for publicizing their position. Such short sellers have been terrorizing companies that was witnessed in terms of attack on Quintis. Therefore, this particular incident corporate governance highlighted the need of board and management to be prepared for such short selling attacks. Management of Quintis was targeted because it misleads investors about operational and financial performance. Allegation was imposed on company that operation of company was done on Ponzi like structure that made the valuation of shares at zero (Donelson et al. 2015). Products such as Sandalwood that are used in perfumes, incense and traditional medicines take decade to grow. It was pointed out that Quintis relied on capital raisings to investors and pay debts indicating difficulty in cash flow. It was said that note generated by Glaucus littered an egregious and substantial inaccuracies. However, the call made by Glaucus was right that led to the collapse of stock by 78% that shook the confidence of investors. Contribution of corporate governance at TFS Corporation: The dive in share price of Quintis resulting from suspected shortcomings imposed question on directors and executives. Investors of company were suspicious about note holder that was led by fund manager of US, BlackRock that pursued for gaining control over the company. This particular scenario questioned the shareholders possible prejudices. Quintis delayed the annual accounts by putting net assets at worth $ 317 million and valuing plantations at $ 437.6 and thereby offsetting debt of amount $ 460.7 million. A tumultuous year was followed after the collapse of organization that eroded sales and damaged confidence of investors and thereby putting the balance sheet of organization under extreme pressure. The shares of company were further shredded by raising concerns over the contracts of substance along with sales absence in China. Company relied on selling new plantations to outside investors with most of the five million trees quite long time away from harvest. This was done for s upplementing revenue from sale of oil and sandalwood. Investors were deterred by negative sequence of events as most of plantation historically generated sales revenue (da Costa 2017). The new plantations lead to booking of establishment fees of amount $ 86.9 million that in last year that is 2015-2016 recorded $ 20.1 million as the operating revenue was half to $ 97 million. Cash balance of Quintis had fallen to $ 25.4 million compared to $ 89.8 million in the last month. Quintis survived only on help it received from note holders, as it was unable to meet the discounting oil and interest bills on notes for raising cash. Furthermore, two targeted the troubled sandalwood company, Quintis or three class actions of potential shareholders have the litigation backing because the company is headed to appear for court. The statement made by Quintis about billing of twenty year deal of supply of sustainably grown and pharmaceutical grade Indian Sandalwood oil to prestigious customers was completely at odds along with the statements made about the Galderma contract landmark significance. Failure of corporate governance was centered around the Quintis failure to make disclosure of the loss of long-term supply contract with Galderma and it intends to make recovery of loss that shareholders have suffered. Quintis withdrew the earning guidance in year 2016-2017 along with slashing the forecast of sales of products from range of $ 45 million to $ 55 million to $ 25 million to $ 35 million (Fowler, 2018). In the current situation, the failure of its corporate governance practices has resulted in occurrence of liqui dity crisis. Therefore, the objective of organization is to go for recapitalization along with the facing the most critical time for sales of plantation to new sandalwood investors. Shares of Quintis remained suspended after it faced the corporate governance failure. A further disclosure was accompanied in the downgrade of company that since June, 2015, there was no shipping of oil by Galderma ( 2017). References list: (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2018]. Beekes, W., Brown, P. and Zhang, Q., 2015. Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in Australia: A re?examination.Accounting Finance,55(4), pp.931-963. Council, A.C.G. and Exchange, A.S., 2014. Corporate governance principles and recommendations . ASX Corporate Governance Council. Cumming, D., Leung, T.Y. and Rui, O., 2015. Gender diversity and securities fraud.Academy of management Journal,58(5), pp.1572-1593. Curti, F. and Mihov, A., 2018. Fraud recovery and the quality of country governance.Journal of Banking Finance,87, pp.446-461. da Costa, A.P.P., 2017. Corporate Governance and Fraud: Evolution and Considerations. InCorporate Governance and Strategic Decision Making. InTech. De Zwart, F., 2015.Enhancing Firm Sustainability Through Governance: The Relational Corporate Governance Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing. Donelson, D.C., McInnis, J.M. and Mergenthaler, R., 2015. The effect of governance reforms on financial reporting fraud. Fowler, C. (2018).Former Quintis boss returns as growers seek to take back control of sandalwood empire. [online] ABC Rural. Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2018]. (2017).Momentum growing in Quintis class action | LCM Finance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2018]. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2018]. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2018]. Safari, M., Mirshekary, S. and Wise, V., 2015. Compliance with corporate governance principles: Australian evidence.Australasian Accounting Business Finance Journal,9(4), p.3. Shimeld, S., Williams, B. and Shimeld, J., 2017. Diversity ASX corporate governance recommendations: a step towards change?.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,8(3), pp.335-357. Tricker, R.B. and Tricker, R.I., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Urban poverty Essay Example For Students

Urban poverty Essay Outline1 Urban Poverty2 I. Introduction3 II. Methodology4 III. Discussion5 1. Causes of poorness6 1.1 Population7 1.2 Employment8 1.3 The societal base installing and societal service9 2. Effectss of poorness10 2.1 Personal11 2.2 Social12 2.3 Condemnable13 3. Solutions to poverty14 3.1 Government15 3.2 Social Urban Poverty I. Introduction Historically, poorness belonged to rural countries, but nowadays it is the same in mega metropoliss and it is estimated that a one-fourth of the universe s urban population is presently populating in a poorness state of affairs ( Perlman, 1998 ) . In last several old ages, by the population growing detonation and more and more people choose to populating from countryside to metropolis, this phenomenon was going more and more serious. At same clip, it made societal jobs stand out. Intensifying of urban poorness has going an insecure factor in societal and economic. The new jobs mix with old jobs lead to a assortment of complex societal effects. In this study will show the jobs which urban poorness, and seek to happen the solutions to work out it. The ground for urban poorness is complicated, such as population, employment and societal service. This study will province as follow. II. Methodology III. Discussion 1. Causes of poorness 1.1 Population Since the twentieth century 50years, along with the accelerated procedure of urbanisation and urban population denseness increased, the population of universe from 30 % to approximately 50 % now, is attack to 60 % by 2030. Because of this, the urban hapless and slums have become progressively outstanding. Today s megacities are making the bounds of their carrying capacity to prolong human life, as urbanites progressively face deficiency of entree to safe H2O and sanitation, unequal waste direction, hapless drainage, air pollution, inordinate noise degrees, and uneffective and unequal service proviso ( Perlman, J. , Hopkins, E. A ; Perez, R. 2008 ) . 1.2 Employment It is means that people who populating in the urban poorness, it will easy missing to employment. Harmonizing to Perlman ( 1998 ) said that adult females who is worked in poorness countries is overstrain, without the safety belongings. What is more, less working chances contribute to low-income family fighting for endurance ( Baker and Schuler, 1997 ) , and hence, the spread between rich and hapless is widening ( Perlman, 1998 ) . 1.3 The societal base installing and societal service Due to the jobs of urban poorness is more earnestly, it is consequence the societal base installing and societal service. Harmonizing to the research from Practical Action ( 2008 ) , there are 2.2billion people around universe scarceness entree to proper sanitation, the cloacas are created by rubbish and human laxations, and more than 420 million bash non hold entree to the simplest latrines ( Perlman, 1998 ) and deficiency of solid waste disposal services ( Masika, 1997 ) . On the other manus, they lack of entree to community services and low-income communities have no control over new installations ( Perlman, 1998 ) . 2. Effectss of poorness 2.1 Personal First, due to the urban hapless and their households, the world of poorness has a certain grade of harm on their wellness, instruction, employment, lodging, household life and other facets. In the commercial metropolis, hapless people have low buying power. It is non merely taking urban hapless to troubles on their material life, but besides declining them to hold equal entree to urban instruction, wellness attention and other services. The urban hapless in these countries will dawdle behind their civilization and physiological quality than the non-poor, therefore indirectly taking to worsen in their societal category position, so that their kids may still confront the quandary of poorness. .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .postImageUrl , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:hover , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:visited , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:active { border:0!important; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:active , .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255 .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf1aa0292084d10963708a37a37546255:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Mayans Argumentative Essay2.2 Social When the state of affairs of urban poorness become aggravate and regulations break down, as Power, A. and Houghton, j. said â€Å"defensive anti- societal behaviour takes root, people carry knives, immature people from packs, people dump their majority trash where it has already accumulated and foreigners abandon autos in creaky streets where mulcts are non enforced† . 2.3 Condemnable Civil Unrest in the Gallic is a typical illustration. Every state has nonsubjective issue of Urban affluent polarisation, developed states are no exclusion. The poorness and The involvements of the division lead to societal struggle, the Gallic phenomenon of urban poorness and societal struggle have some representation. In November 2007, the Gallic railroad work stoppage broke out in sequence and societal agitation. However, in the suburbs of Paris in 2005, two male childs were by chance dead, had a similar eruption of agitation. The public violences in 2005 and 2007, most people in group were populating in hapless conditions, unemployment and poverty population. The content of the public presentation reflected were migration, unemployment, and poorness. It was widening spread between rich and the hapless led to the split of the deep societal contradictions, reflecting the rich-poor divide is existent bitterness. 3. Solutions to poverty 3.1 Government The authorities has responsibility to concern about the poorness job, to take highly care about their kids to school, and basic wellness. Make certain urban hapless can acquire particular monetary value about urban H2O, electricity, gas monetary value and so on, so that their life status do non deteriorate. And the authorities is have to plan a income mechanism to extenuate distribution spread, such as commanding revenue enhancements and societal public assistance system to do the strong gross transportation to the weak. 3.2 Social Fairness in economic activities there are two constructs, one is income every bit, all participants in economic activities more consistent gross ; 2nd is a just opportunity, that average economic agents have a just competition and just chance to take part. Income may be unjust, but everyone should hold the right to vie reasonably.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Discuss the Ways In Which Two Poems In The Anthology Explore The Effects Of Untimely Death Essays

Discuss the Ways In Which Two Poems In The Anthology Explore The Effects Of Untimely Death Essays Discuss the Ways In Which Two Poems In The Anthology Explore The Effects Of Untimely Death Essay Discuss the Ways In Which Two Poems In The Anthology Explore The Effects Of Untimely Death Essay Essay Topic: Poems When men went to war, there was every chance of them dying. But, their friends and family could never had prepared themselves for news of that persons death. Untimely death is a theme which is explored throughout the anthology in many ways, in particular, looking at the effects of the news of death upon loved ones.The Seed-Merchants Son is a poem by Agnes Grozier Herbertson that conveys the bereavement that a man feels for his son who has died at war. This poem continuously emphasises the youth of the boy, which constantly reiterates the idea of untimely death, as the boy died before he could live a full life. The fact that the man in the poem has lost His dear, his loved, his only one accentuates the notion that the man had love for only one child, and that child died in the war. The young age of the boy is highlighted when the author tells us his school books, into the cupboard thrust, and that they have scarcely had time to gather dust. This shows that the boy has just left school, which adds to the pathos of the poem. This sense of pathos is continued throughout the poem, and is particularly noticable when the author adjusts the poetic syntax of the fifteenth line, to tell the reader that the man in the poem is old to have fathered so young a son.The author uses elipses toward the end of the poem to generate a dramatic silence which could be seen as the silence after the death of the young soldier had been told to his father and the shock and desperation that the man felt during that time. The man would have thought about his son who had never before seen seed or sod. This line uses sibilance which has a threatening sound to it which could be interpreted as the fear that the young soldiers would all have to go through knowing that they might never again feel a sence of solace.By the end of this poem, the man has come to terms with the boys death as although the man is sadened, he is very proud of his son for fighting for his country. The man murmurs thank G-d, thank G-d, showing that he is proud of his son for the sacrifice he made.Another poem in the anthology that portrays the pathos involved and explores the repracussions of untimely death is The Deserter by Winifred M. Letts, which tells of the soldiers being forced to go to war and being dogged by fear. The author writes how one man who could not face the German guns was shot by an English bullet in his heart for desertion. He was shot in a place apart, showing that he was absolutely alone and could be interpreted that he didnt believe that anyone else could feel like he felt in battle. The poem continues to say that the mother was spared ill feelings when she is told by a messenger that her son died as a hero, foremost in the strife. This white-lie is a safety blanket, which is used to protect the woman from suffering a distraught sense of anger and sadness at the idea that he was shot for desertion. The irony is that although this brings about a feeling of pride within the mother and so she goes proudly; to the strife to mourn for her hero son, she does not know he lies in a deserters grave.The author has written that there was a man dont mind his name. This generalisation shows that this set of circumstances ocured many times throughout the war, and the untimely death of so many young men brought about so much pain and anguish.From these two poems, we can see that untimely death has many different effects and consequences on different people; it can cause grief and sadness, pain and sorrow, or it can lead to pride and peace. Whatever the outcome, untimely death at war never leads to happiness.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dealing with culture change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dealing with culture change - Research Paper Example Defined as the scientific study of human behavior and processes under diverse cultures, (Adler and Gielen 4) Cross-cultural Psychology delves more on behavioral transformations of an individual when placed in a culturally foreign environment than on the cultural differences of nations. Some of the common types of cultural change effects on an individual are on the emotional state, beliefs and practices, personality, social behavior and relations, interpretation of everyday languages as well as relationship with family. New geographical surroundings, unfamiliar languages as well as strange customs and other intercultural contact and changes that may cause problems for an individual can collectively be called as culture shock. Culture shock may be traced to past negative events, minimal social support and differences in human values. (Furnham, Bochner 177) Negative life-events include inability to cope with new environment due to previous physical illness and psychological ailment. Negative events also include abrupt changes in environment and situations, traumatic occurrences such as extremely embarrassing experiences. (Furnham, Bochner 178) Physical and mental illness that weaken the coping mechanism of an individual include tuberculosis, depression, skin diseases, cancer and heart diseases (Furnham, Bochner 178) since these ailments tend to bring patients depression and stigma. Some examples would be a former tuberculosis patient, a person suffering from a heart disease and a person with marks due to a previous skin disease. For a person who has been cleared of tuberculosis, the individual would always be on guard in allowing people to know of this previous medical record thus would lead to a limited s ocial interaction for the former tuberculosis patient. An individual who has a heart disease, given the condition of his health, would most of the time be irritable and sometimes undergoes self-pity for his condition. Irritability brought

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Maryland Commuters Lived Experiences on Bicycle Commuting After Essay

Maryland Commuters Lived Experiences on Bicycle Commuting After Barriers Removed and Strategies Employed - Essay Example Hence, the purpose of this case study is to explore the causes why these barriers and strategies to overcome them did not actually work. Therefore, the research problem is embedded in the conceptual framework of the factors and barriers that affect commuters from choosing the bicycle as an alternative mode of transport to commute to work. For this reason, the data is collected from 12 respondents through in-depth, semi-structured interviews. As a result, this research study contributes to positive social change by increasing the awareness of government leaders, city and regional planners, and the private sector on bicycling problem. In particular, they can recognize several effective strategies that will make bicycle commuting a preferred alternative mode of transportation to commute to work. Thus, the study brings to light the new policy that can be effective in combating the problem of vehicular congestion, environmental pollution, oil dependency, and sedentary lifestyle linked to obesity. Chen and Tang (2012) argued that automobile dependence is a global problem specifically affecting the lives of commuters living in big cities. In the United States, there is also a dependence on the repeated use of automobiles (Dulal, Brodnig, & Onoriose, 2011; Litman, 2009). In this context, Hamilton and Atkins (2008) argued that the number of automobiles joining the highways road construction has become incompatible; thus, the problem of vehicular congestion appears. Santos, Behrendt, Maconi, Shirvani, and Teytelboym (2010) wrote that the dependence on the automobile contributres negative consequences for society. In defence, Abrahamse, Steg, Gifford, and Vlek (2009) suggested that the automobile serves many purposes for travel; however, they agree that automobile is a contributing factor to vehicular congestion and environmental pollution. In addition, Kent (2013) suggested that automobile dependency is connected to the poor health issues. In

Monday, November 18, 2019

Does a nurse with a BSN make a difference in patient outcomes Essay

Does a nurse with a BSN make a difference in patient outcomes - Essay Example In this paper I will be answering the question of whether nurses with BSN make a positive difference in patient outcomes. Research by a different organization and scholars converges at the conclusion that competency, knowledge and application of specific skills significantly depends on educational attainment. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nurses with BSN degrees are better placed to effectively meet the demands and expectations of the modern society. Nurses with BSN have a good training and as such develop strong critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, capacities to manage cases and promote healthcare outcomes. These nurses have a strong foundation that enables them to effectively work in both outpatient and inpatient settings without little challenge. It is for such unique and beneficial capabilities that baccalaureate prepared nurses are highly regarded and associated with promoting positive patient outcomes. It has been identified in the past few years that the level of education really makes a great difference in the way nursing is practiced. The BSN program covers content taught at both diploma and associate degree as well as providing students with a deeper understanding of the entire nursing profession. It covers research, leadership in nursing, physical sciences, social sciences and public health among many other courses. This broader coverage prepares the student nurses in a manner that allows them to understand the different issues impacting on patients and influencing healthcare provision. An inverse relationship has been demonstrated to exist between the number of BSN nurses and patient mortality when in hospitals; mortality decreases with increase in number of BSN nurses (Kimberly, 2009). Education for the nurse has also association with the safety of patients as well as quality of healthcare offered. Education provides the necessary theoretical as well as practical

Friday, November 15, 2019

The poor in the UK

The poor in the UK Discuss whether the poor in the UK are to blame for their poverty and social exclusion? The purpose of this essay is to discuss the question of whether the poor in the UK are to blame for their poverty and social exclusion. In order to do this, a variety of perspectives will be analysed, in particular looking at political and economic perspectives. We will also consider Levitas approaches in the area of social exclusion, looking at the three models of social discourse, and also a critical examination of Murrays thesis concerning the underclass. Definitions of poverty have traditionally been divided within two subcategories, absolute poverty or relative poverty. Each definition is based on different experiences of poverty. Absolute poverty sees there is a basic need for survival and this is measured objectively and comes in forms of statistics. This is mainly used in government statistics. Relative poverty is different in that it counts on an opinion of people in society. Relative poverty uses the idea of what society or a culture sees as the norm. The earliest attempt to research poverty was by Rowntree, who conducted a study in York, in 1899. Rowntree adopted the measurement of absolute poverty in 1901 based on a minimum weekly income which was thought to be needed to survive. Therefore, a definition of absolute poverty is; Absolute poverty occurs when people fail to receive sufficient resources to support a minimum of physical health and efficiency (2006 dictionary of sociology) p304 This absolute measure was not popular with the government as measuring poverty based on falling below a certain benefit level. When the benefits level increased so did the amount of people living in poverty. This problem was solved when the 1985 conservative government scrapped the Family Low Income Statistics in favour of the Household below Average Income (HBAI). This saw the decrease of poverty in terms of figures because of the change in the way poverty was measured. The term poverty is not mentioned in any of these official government terms, therefore shows that poverty is not acknowledge as a problem to the government. The feminist argument on using this type of measurement is that it uses statistics taken from the household with a male breadwinner. Females appear invisible in these statistics and very much implies that women are dependent upon men. However, there is no suggestion that the male breadwinner equally shares his income with the household. Scott (1994) discusses the strengths and weaknesses of absolute poverty. Firstly the strengths, the measurement of absolute poverty can be used universally across cultures and societies. It can be used to draw up comparisons so Policy makers can use this to assess and distribute the income that is needed to eliminate poverty. These policies can then be taken on by researchers to look at if what is being done and if it is helping to reduce poverty. A Weakness of this measurement is that it is extreme. In todays society it is dominated by consumption and a consumer lifestyle. Some cultures deem it necessary to be able to take part in the consumer society. The goods that can be bought often have several uses other than just to survive, for example a television is not an item of survival, however to function in society the television plays a major part and a sense of unity is formed in neighbourhoods if people can relate to and discuss items featured on television. The absolute measure ignores this social process as it cannot be scientifically measured as it involves some form of opinion. Poverty measurements need much more than just relying on saying how much money is needed to live. Relative poverty can be defined as, comprehensive, should depend as much as possible on independent or external criteria of evaluation, should involve the ordering of a mass of factual data rational, orderly and informative fashion, and should limit, through not conceal, the part played by the value judgement (Townsend 1979:33) This means that it can be measured statistically; however include some form of judgement. This relative measurement would include more than just income and look at consumer society and culture. Townsends, who states individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the type of diet, participation in the activities and they have the living conditions and the amenities which are customary, or at least widely encouraged or approved in the societies to which they belong. (Townsend, 1979, p.31) This definition covers adequately the link between poverty and social exclusion. Townsends research of relative poverty conducted in 1968-9 could compare people based on the national average. An important result to come out of this research was the deprivation index which stated the 12 items essential for people in society, for example clothing, diet, fuel health and education. In 1985 more items were included such as a persons taste, lifestyle, and economic social factors. Using the measurement of relative poverty does come with strengths and weaknesses. It does acknowledge subjectively and are honest in that some form of opinion is needed. Knowledge of peoples culture can be explored in terms of what their standard of living is. It explores the kinds of feeling some people have that they may be deprived more than others. Weaknesses of this relative measurement is that if fails to acknowledge those people who chose to go without the items stated in the deprivation index. It does not address the issues of real poverty in that those living in absolute poverty do not having enough to survive. Comparisons with other countries are difficult as others still use the absolute measurement and use statistics rather than opinions. Piachaud reviews Townsends deprivation index as a good measurement as it included people that make the lifestyle choices such as being a vegetarian. He claims that not having a fridge for instance is more significant than not having meat. However, this suggests that Townsends index is not as scientific as it claims. (Piachaud 1981) There is not only one kind of poor people but many that are or could fall into poverty at any point in their life. The underclass is a term used to stigmatise people and was used in the 1980s early 1990s. Charles Murray worked on the concept of the underclass and characterised them by three things; illegitimacy, violent crime, and drop out from the labour market by young men (Murray 1990) Murray wrote in 1990 that Britain has a growing population of working-aged, healthy people who live in a different world from other Britons, who are raising their children to live in it, and whose values are now contaminating the life of entire neighbourhoods. (Murray, 1990, p.6) Murray spoke of those who chose not to work, and instead to rely on benefits as a means of survival, as opposed to joining the labour market. In Murrays view, this reliance on benefits was considered as a superior option, not as a last resort. A statement by Murray to describe the underclass using a very simple and stigmatising definition by underclass, I do not mean people who are merely poor, but people at the margins of society, unsocialised and often violent. (Murray 2001). The term Underclass is a way of stigmatising a group and that Margaret Thatcher denied there being absolute poverty as there was no official government definition. Deprivation irresponsible underclass. John Moore secretary state of social security relative poverty was simply another term for inequality he claimed that poverty had disappeared from Britain altogether. (John Moore 1989) Conservative government at the time used the term underclass to categorise and deny there was absolute poverty in Britain. This view of the underclass supports the idea that the poor are to blame for their poverty and inequality than those structural inequalities at the time. With this negative concept the conservatives were set to cut welfare if the underclass did not change their ways. This widened the poverty gap and the conservatives were thought to be irresponsible and didnt address the problem of poverty in society Rather than seeing inequality as potentially damaging to the social fabric, the Thatcher governments saw it as an engine of enterprise, providing incentives for those at the bottom as well as those at the top. (Walker 1997:5) This phenomenon of the underclass tries to address them as and actual class in society being at the other end of the scale such as the upper-class. However, to be compared with as a class it would suggest there are shared values that are unique to the underclass, there are no evidence of this and should not be a class. (Bagguley and Mann 1992). This underclass perspective draws attention away from the actual cause of poverty and tries to set the notion that this class is biological when there is no evidence. Field 1989 viewed the underclass from a structuralist view and supported the view that the underclass did not stem from the individual, but from the ideologies that maintained and shaped inequality. These structural causes were stated as; record post war unemployment, widening class difference, exclusion of rapid widening living standards and public attitudes falling in Thatcher Britain. Direct criticism of Murrays underclass is that it fails to be proven by scientific methods and relies on opinions. The underclass cannot be measured accurately as the group is sometimes made to look huge or small depending on the outcome needed. The underclass perspective can be misleading and not address the real problem that poverty is causing to Britain. (Walker 1990:49) However, many writers were critical of this view, including MacDonald, who asserts that both young people and adults wanted work. They would fail with flying colours the test Murray sets to prove the underclasss existence: offer them jobs at a generous wage for unskilled labour and see what happens. (MacDonald, 1997, p.195) Crompton has been even more dismissal in her criticism of Murrays view, in that much of Murrays caselay in his attempts to demonstrate the individual moral and cultural inferiority of the least well-off members of society. In some ways then, Murrays underclass thesis, can be seen to be elitist and dismissive of those at the bottom end of the social ladder. Byrne (Byrne, 2005, p.1) notes the pejorative nature of the term underclass and the much preferred and more commonly used in the UK term of social exclusion. The term social exclusion was coined in the 1970s following research by French Civil servant, Rene Lenoir, who published The Excluded, which said that as much as 10% of the French population were excluded from mainstream society due to factors like mental illness, poverty and disability (Beland 2007). This definition of a broad category of people who, for a variety of reasons, dont fit into the social mainstream was picked up by New Labour, which created a Social Exclusion Unit when it came to power in 1997. It was based on the idea that Social exclusion is about more than income poverty. It is what can happen when people or areas face a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, discrimination, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, bad health and family breakdown (ODPM, 2004, p. 3). New labour used many terms throughout their time, stakeholder society, communitarianism, third way and social exclusion. (Hindmoor, 2005). They can be accused of only selecting terms that would win elections (Stoker, 2004). The Labour government blamed three main causes for social exclusion: the dislocation caused by the breakdown of industry in Britain in the 1980s, the Conservative indifference to the social consequences of these economic changes and the failure of the welfare system to effectively address the needs of those who were affected by the downfall of coal, steel and other heavy industries (Davies, 2007). Storrey and Childs have commented on the political agenda of the early 1990s, whereby arguments came to a head over Britains high proportion of single-parent families when a government minister claimed that an over-generous state benefit system was encouraging young, single mothers to marry the state and embark on a benefit career. (Storrey Childs, 2002, p.126. These arguments were soon rebutted by organisations such as the Association of Single Parents, but it highlighted the way that discussions on social exclusion and poverty can be seen from a purely political perspective. Of the three models of social discourse to be discussed later, the MUD discourse is seen as largely right wing, while the other two are more centrist or to the left. One recent government minister has emphasised the SID view, claiming that Work is the only way out of poverty the benefit system will never pay of itself (enough to lift people out of poverty) and I dont think it should (Alcock et al., 2008, p.335 ) Social exclusion is seen in the growth of homelessness or urban slums, the declining hopes of the long-term unemployed, the lack of access to jobs and incomes of migrants and some ethnic minorities, the increasingly precarious nature of jobs on offer to new labour market entrants. (Rodgers 1995:43) Ruth Levitas, in her 1998 book, The Inclusive Society: Social Exclusion and New Labour, suggested three models of discourse in terms of how we look at the issue of social exclusion, and how those models are applied in politics in particular to economic and social policy, as well as sociological discourse in general. (Levitas, 1998) RED. This is known as the Redistributionists Discourse. Pierson (2004) observes that those holding this view argue that only through the redistribution of wealth across society as a whole, through taxation, benefits and services, will poverty and inequality be eradicated in Britain. (Pierson, 2004, p.5). This model rejects the idea that attitudes towards work or moral issues are responsible for social exclusion. Some have noted that a vital component in the RED model of social exclusion discourse is the raising of benefits to an adequate standard as one means of eradicating poverty. (Gordon Townsend, 2000, p.359) This model is significantly different from the Moral/Underclass Discourse (MUD) SID. This is known as the Social Integrationist Discourse. This model focuses on the value of importance of work. Paid work is seen as a key factor, with entrance into the labour market as the result, providing income, a boost to the economy, and social inclusion by way of paid employment. Levitas argues that this view differs from RED discourse in that it tends to equate social exclusion with exclusion from the labour market. (Levitas 1998, Pierson, 2004, p.6) MUD. This is known as the Moral/Underclass Discourse. The fundamental argument of the MUD discourse is that individuals or groups, through choices of their own choose a method of social exclusion. Such a method may be a deliberate choice not to try to enter the labour market but instead to rely on benefits solely as a means of income. Gordon Townsend comment that MUD tends to replay recurrent themes about dangerous classesto focus on the consequences of social exclusion for social order, and to emphasise particular groups, such as unemployed and potentially criminal young men, and lone parents, especially young never-married mothers. (Gordon Townsend, 2004, p.360) We see therefore, three discourses with different answers to the question of whether the poor in the UK are to blame for their poverty and social exclusion. The RED discourse would point to the need to redistribute wealth to the poor in order to end their social exclusion. The SID discourse would like social exclusion and unemployment and would link employment to being the key to the end of poverty and social exclusion. The MUD approach would suggest for many poverty, or certainly social exclusion, are a choice that is made and then potentially taught to the next generation. We have examined Levitas three models or approaches to social discourse, and we have critically examined Murrays theory of the underclass in the context of the UK and of these three models. We have come to the conclusion that there are other factors to play in poverty and social exclusion than the choices of the poor in the UK or any blame that may be attached to them, and we have seen the elitist nature of Murrays thesis. Poverty about people social exclusion about structure of society The UK government defines poverty as having an income of 60 per cent or less of the median: using this measure, 13.2 million people in the UK lives in poverty that is 22 per cent of the population. (Oxfam)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hong Kongindia Command and Market Economies :: essays papers

Hong Kongindia Command and Market Economies The world is run with economic systems. Two of these economic systems are the market economy and the command economy. These economic systems both greatly differ and are similar in there ways of controling the factors of production, ownership, and their incentives for efficient production. An area of the world that has a command economy is India. The government controls and makes decisions with the factors of production. The factors of production are the resources used to produce goods and services, such as lonad, labor and capital. Within these socialist areas, there is no presence of motivation, a very important factor in an economy. This is because no matter what they do for their economy, everyboyd will recieve the same pay. For example, a doctor would get paid the same amount as a dishwasher.This creates unmotivation because there is nowhere to progress to. People don’t want to work hard for the same pay as someone who doesn’t. Also, since the government controls the factors of production, and not the individual consumers themselves, it is impossible for the few in power to know the many needs, and conditions of resource availability, within the whole economy. Therefore, many things of importance are not recognized, or over looked and the economy and people suffer from the loss. It is present in these areas of socialism that many of the people suffer from poverty because of this economic system. Hong Kong used to be a command economy. Hong Kong was very poor. This poor area quickly changed over the years into a very prosporous place. This is due to it’s change to the market economy. Hong Kong is also the freest of economies. The United states of america also has a market economy. In a market economy, or free enterprise economy, the individuals own the factors of productin, and make the decisions with them. This is unlike the command econly becaues their government controls the factors of production. The market economy is more effiecent because the individuals decide for themselves how to answer economic questions, looking out for their own personal best interest. This creates motivation, in which the command economy lacks. Entreprenurs also play a large roll in the economy. In Hong Kong, it is extremely easy to start your own business.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Azt Pricing Decision Essay

In 1986, Burroughs-Wellcome Company introduced the first major breakthrough against acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It was the life-prolonging drug AZT. The product has turned out to be very successful for the company and, largely because of AZT’s success, Burroughs-Wellcome’s profits have doubled in the three years ending in 1988. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to expand the authorization for the drug’s usage to those who are infected with the AIDS virus, but not yet showing signs of serious illness. The estimate of the size of this market is hundreds of thousands rather than the tens of thousand who are currently sick with AIDS (1988). The controversy over the drug centers on its price. AZT costs about $8,600 for a year’s supply for each patient (lowered from $10,000 in 1987). Critics in the gay, medical, and legal communities contend that Burroughs-Wellcome executives are â€Å"corporate extortionists.† Some believe that the company has already made too much money at the expense of the sick. The price is so far out of reach of indigent and moderate-income people that the federal government had to step in with subsidies of millions of dollars. Burroughs-Wellcome defends it pricing practices by stating that its profit margins (in the 50-70 percent range) are in line with those companies introducing new drugs. They contend these high returns are necessary to finance research and recoup the millions of dollars invested in developing the drug. They initially gave the drug free-of-charge to as many as 5,000 AIDS patients and spent $80 million on a new plant. Additional criticism revolves around the actual development of the drug. The Wall Street Journal stated, â€Å"But Wellcome’s moral position is undercut by its relatively minor role in the creation of AZT.† Researchers at the Michigan Cancer Foundation, from West Germany, and at the National Cancer Institute are credited with the major discoveries that led to AZT. Nevertheless, Wellcome performed toxicology, pharmacology, and animal studies before AZT was given to the first human volunteer. It also financed the big clinical trial and bankrolled the give-away to the patients in the initial experiment. Wellcome is under pressure to cut its price. The government is attempting to institute a â€Å"reasonable price† clause where an unduly high price could trigger a government order for a company to open its books. Any company found in violation could be sued for breach of contract. Congress is also studying AZT and one Congressman wrote the company contending that the original price rationale (achieving a decent return on investment during a short product life) no longer exists as the drug has been on the market for three years and the market is growing for the product.

Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Brilliant Motivation Tips to Help You Study - Proofread My Paper

5 Brilliant Motivation Tips to Help You Study - Proofread My Paper 5 Brilliant Motivation Tips to Help You Study If you’ve searched for motivation tips on our blog, we’re guessing that of all the things you want to be doing right now, working isn’t one of them. Maybe you’ve trawled the internet’s extensive archive of motivation-themed gifs already, only to find yourself stubbornly idle. Well if that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find five brilliant motivation tips to help you with your studies, so soon you’ll be working harder than a beaver in the busy season! 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Set Achievable Goals We all know the tyranny of the blank page. That little cursor blinking at you accusingly while you stare at a new document, not knowing how to start. And with longer papers, sometimes it seems like you’ll never be finished. It’s thus important to set achievable goals. When you start a new assignment, begin with something simple, like making a plan of what you’re going to do, compiling a list of sources or identifying your research questions. Likewise, when faced with a heavy workload, try to write a set number of words every day. You’ll be surprised how much progress you make! 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reward Yourself If you’re setting achievable targets, you should also reward yourself when you hit them. This might be as simple as saving your night out until you’ve got an important piece of work done. But you can also treat yourself with bigger prizes for completing major assignments. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Get Support No one can force you to feel motivated, but a little help can go a long way. If you’re struggling because you’re confused about something mentioned in class, for instance, try asking your professor for clarification. Similarly, if you find it hard to revise by yourself, start a study group with friends. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Get Competitive! When we say competitive, we don’t mean bragging to the rest of your class about your test scores. Rather, you should think of each paper as a chance to improve on the last one. Aim for a new personal best each time! Alternatively, you and a friend could compete against each other to see who can do best on each assignment. Try to be a graceful winner though, otherwise you might not be friends much longer. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beware Bad Study Habits Finally, try to be aware of your own bad habits. This includes things like procrastination, low confidence and getting frustrated because your paper isn’t â€Å"perfect.† All of these will drain your motivation, so knowing how to spot them can help you stay on track.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Kenyetta Douglas Essays - Self-defense, Free Essays, Term Papers

Kenyetta Douglas Essays - Self-defense, Free Essays, Term Papers Kenyetta Douglas AP Lang and Composition Ayau 14 December 2016 Stand Your Ground Laws Are Failing In a problematic situation, such as an assailant waving a gun at a victim, the victim has the right to protect themselves if they are feeling threatened. How would someone respond if an assailant is waving a gun using a threatening tone? Someone might respond by trying to avoid the situation or by retreating, or the person will take his chance and try to protect his life. This scenario is covered under the Stand Your Ground or SYG law. The question that troubles people is the effectiveness of the Stand Your Ground law. The Stand Your Ground has flaws which affect the validity of the law and shows no sign of protecting the human race. The flaws include, the law protects the guilty, the law is vague, and it gives the right to kill. The Stand Your Ground law states that person has the right to use deadly force if needed and if there is an retreat option the person can do so but they do not have to (Hundley et al, 2) According to Hundley and other writers, the law also addresses that if the victim cannot retreat then he or she may use any force necessary to protect himself.(2) The law first emerged after 9/11 in 2001 when the public safety of society was diminished. The law was later changed in 2005 by Jeb Bush, but it did not have any more detailed specifications than the expansion to the castle doctrine( the law that gives people the right to protect their home and their valuables) (Cohen 3). There are a total of 22 of states who have the Stand Your Ground law, including states Kentucky,Florida, Texas , and Pennsylvania. The statistics show that the SYG law has resulted in an increase in firearm homicides because the assailant believes he can get off unprosecuted in a court. According Walkens duri ng "2007-2009 over 4,900 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings"(Walkens 20) Walkens also addresses that the U.S. has the highest gun deaths out of 36 of the wealthiest nations (21). One of the reasons the SYG law is flawed is, because it claims it protect people from bodily harm when they are letting the guilty go free while the innocent person was harmed. Many people can elude the law by simply calling out "self defense" when an victim is dead. In 2004 eight homicides were deemed justifiable as of in the court(Cloud 3). SYG laws allow for people to premeditate what they are going to do to the victim they despise, resulting in usually the death of the victim. No one can prove otherwise that the assailant had attacked the victim making the law seem unfair(National Task Force 30). The jurors' and the judge's judgment of the assailant's plea is debated because the case is biased to the assailant's recollection of the altercation that happened earlier. Statistics show that about 70% of people who claim self defense under the SYG law goes free (Hundley et al., 1). Cloud found out that in 2010,about 5 years after the SYG law was enacted the number of justifiab le homicides increased to 40 from eight homicides (3). In addition to protecting the guilty, the jury is obliged to think on a level where they see that one person was saved from an altercation rather than two casualties(Lave 21-22). The SYG law is strongly based on protection of a life resulting in the bias to be put on the jury in the trial. The bias presented through the SYG law is that the jury is likely to believe the assailant since there is no one to contradict his statement making the judge biased. Another flaw in the SYG law is that the use of deadly force has many factors in determining the force needed to protect someone's life. For example if someone was fighting using physical force then there is no reason for the victim to bring out a gun since the force is minimum. The first factor is the correspondence of the threat to the victim. So in any case where the assailant is trying to just

Monday, November 4, 2019

Medical Statistics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medical Statistics - Coursework Example The datasets are in tab-delimited text format (â€Å".txt†) – the file you need has your matriculation number on it, for example, if you matriculation number was 123456789 then your file would be called â€Å"AS_123456789.txt†. Also save the file called Assign1.tpf as well (it can help when loading the data into SPSS – see below). To open your dataset in Minitab, go to File > Open Worksheet in Minitab, choose filetype of Text (*.txt), select your dataset and click Open. To open your dataset in SPSS you have two choices: 1. Open the data in Excel and in Excel save it as an Excel file. Then open the Excel file in SPSS the usual way. You could also do this via Minitab. 2. Go to File > Read Text Data in SPSS, choose your file and click OPEN. This will open a window called â€Å"Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 6†. Click the Yes button to the question â€Å"Does your text file match a predefined format?† and then click on Browse and choose As sign1.tpf and click Open. Then click Finish twice and the data should open. Once you have done this it makes sense to annotate the data (e.g. indicate that 1 means boy and 2 means girl for Sex) and then save the data with an appropriate name in the .sav format before you do any analysis. To open the data in Minitab, having altered the dataset in SPSS, just copy and paste the data directly from the SPSS data editor into Minitab (you could also save a copy of it as an Excel file, and then open that in Minitab). Research question of interest: Do 5 year old children living in deprived areas have worse oral health than 5 year old children living in more affluent areas? Variables in your excel file: RefNumber Child reference number (for admin purposes) DepCat Deprivation category (on a 1-7 scale, where 1 is most affluent and 7 is most deprived). In the catchment area for this study, all the postcode sectors were in DepCat 4, 6 or 7 RegCat String (character) variable, with 3 categories: No tReg – never registered with a dentist; Lapsed – previously registered but now lapsed; Reg – currently registered with a dentist Sex 1 = boys, 2 = girls DFMT Number of teeth with active decay, that are filled or are missing pH pH value of saliva in mouth – the lower it is, the more acidic. Questions NOTE: for Q2 and Q4 you are expected to follow and report on each stage of the Data Analysis Algorithm shown on p1 of Workbook 3, and ensure you cover both confidence interval and hypothesis testing approaches. 1) Using either Minitab or SPSS, obtain appropriate descriptive statistics for the variables Sex, DepCat, RegCat and DFMT. Provide a short interpretation of the output you produce. Answer 1: DepCat DepCat is an indication of the deprivation category. The variable is rated in the scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being the most affluent and 7 being the most deprived. The study was done with people living in the area with DepCat of 4, 6 or 7. Of the total 100 observ ations, there were 96 cases with appropriate value. 4 cases had missing values. This is quantitative analysis, the output of which is given below: Frequencies Statistics DepCat N Valid 96 Missing 4 DepCat Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 4 20 20.0 20.8 20.8 6 34 34.0 35.4 56.3 7 42 42.0 43.8 100.0 Total 96 96.0 100.0 Missing System 4 4.0 Total 100 100.0 The table above shows the frequency table of the variable. It can be seen that most of the respondents had DepCat value of 7 which is the category of most deprived of all the classes. About 43.8

Friday, November 1, 2019

Creativity and Innovation at Gunstones Bakery Essay

Creativity and Innovation at Gunstones Bakery - Essay Example Creativity is defined by Steve Jobs as â€Å"Creativity is just connecting things† (Wolf, 2011). But the question is: Is creativity so simple to be defined as â€Å"connecting things† that has been defined by the greatest innovator of the time, Steve Jobs, or there is any complex method behind the innovation and creativity. The incidental perception of creativity is also questioned for not being intentional. The assignment elaborates the concept of innovation and creativity to the groups and individuals in Gunstones and what does these exactly means in terms of Gunstones competitive abilities to develop and expand. The assignment’s standpoint will be from a worker’s view who is currently working in Gunstones bakery and who happens to be my brother Jabaar Khan. As I lack in work experience I could not fulfil the criteria to complete the assessment and thus I took help of my brother as the source of my assignment. The advantage of using my brother’s e xperience has helped in preparing a bias free assignment (Adair, 2007). Thus the third party perception on my brother’s experience and his organisation will permit me to inspect into the detailed picture of the organisation and how the worker and the organisation work hand in hand with prejudice (Arnold, 1956). My brother works in the Gunstones Bakery factory which supplies packed food for Marks & Spencer’s. His experience over there and the background of the company (See Appendix 1) can be recorded by ‘The Cultural Web’ (Johnson and Scholes, 1999) representing the factory’s routine process which is known as the ‘taken-for-granted assumptions’ (Johnson and Scholes, 1999). Before proceeding towards the assessment, creativity and innovation should be defined. But it can be seen that all the definitions of creativity has two aspects which are either process oriented (Dewett, 2004) or outcome oriented (Amabile, 1996). Creativity is defined as the production of novel and resourceful ideas in any of the domain. Amabile has said that a creative idea or a product is something that is not done before but it fulfils the desired purpose. Amabile has also defined innovation as the â€Å"successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization† and these definition has been accepted by Cook who has found the linkage between the two as the ideas (creativity) must be proficient enough (Cook, 1998) to be converted into successful actions (innovation). OPPORTUNITIES AND INHIBITORS OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION ALSO THEIR IMPACT ON ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCES COMPONENTIAL MODEL The ‘Componential Model’ which is given in Figure 1 consists of the 3 major influential factors of the opportunity that is important for creativity. The factors are expertise, creative thinking and the intrinsic task motivation which are in built in teams and individual. Figure 1: Componential Model Source: (Amabile, 1996) EXPEPT ISE OPPORTUNITY ‘Expertise factor’ consists of foundation of factual knowledge, proficiencies

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict Essay

How communication flows, Organizational diversity and Conflict management - Essay Example The second form could be the one that starts from the lower or middle management and goes up towards the top management. A common example of this kind of communication flow is in the type of protests and rallies that arise at the lower level and the lower management wants to make sure that their voice gets heard courtesy the top cadre of the organization. The third communication flow could be in the kind of peer to peer communication and interaction. This means that the employees and the workers at the same level communicate within their own capacities and as such there are no hindrances arising from the whole communication matrix. Apart from this, within an organization the communication also flows in a formal as well as an informal manner. Where the communication is more formal and sophisticated, the interaction is usually done through paper and written requests whereas the informal talk is also called ‘grapevine’ and is mostly done in a casual manner without any such paper work to document the very same. Proper and smooth communication can only flow within an organization when there is complete understanding of the message at all possible levels. The barriers within the communication process should be removed as this is known as the â€Å"noise† factor in the whole communication matrix. Within an organization, the communication should always be of a formal nature so that there are no problems and grievances for all concerned. Organizational diversity means what kind of organizational working a company usually has within its folds. This could be in the form of a centralized fashion or a company which has a decentralized approach as far as its working methodologies are concerned. The centralized diversity of an organization understands the fact that the supreme basis of instructions and commands rests with only one single party and all the other staff members encircle this post of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Flooding in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Flooding in South Africa Essay Most floods take hours or days to develop, giving residents enough time to prepare or evacuate. Others happen quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous and cause major damage to the landscape and the habitants of such an area. Disaster specialists have various ways of classifying floods according to their likelihood of occurring and the intensity of the flood. A hundred-year flood, for example, is an extremely large, destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century. Heavy rain in a short period of time in the part of South Africa, caused more than hundreds of people to be homeless by heavy flooding. Floods caused many to seek refuge on rooftops and on trees. This catastrophe killed more than hundreds of people causing the death toll to rise. Recently these floods caused evacuation of the Kruger National, a game reserve in Northern South Africa. Floods also covered some farmlands and crops were killed as a result forcing farms to close. Most of the roads, dams and large buildings were damaged. Due to flooding some mines were forced to close, this the case of a coal mines in Limpopo. Floods frequently causes major infrastructure damage of roads, railway lines, electricity supply systems, water supply and sewage disposal systems. Bribges over rivers are particularly exposed to damage and disruption of transportation systems follows. The economic effects of flooding are often greater than the flood itself. (Parker 2000) According to Parker (2000) be cause floods frequently destroy crops and livestock, food shortages are not uncommon in the aftermath. Floods may affect food availability in a number of ways. Food stocks may be damaged if storage areas are flooded. Serious flooding usually disrupts transportation of food deficit areas, particularly in towns, which are cut off from supply sources and have inadequate food stock. Impacts of flooding may hinder the economic growth and development that is the high cost of relief and recovery may adversely impact investment in infrastructure and other development activities in the area and in certain cases may cripple the frail economy of the of the region. Recurrent flooding in a region may discourage long-term investments by the government and private sector alike. Lack of livehoods, combined with migration of skilled labour and inflation may have a negative impact on a region’s economic growth. Loss of resource can lead to high costs of goods and services, delaying its development programmes. (Drep operation international federation of Red Cross and crescent societies). Figure 2 three kid were during floods in Limpopo As discussed under various perspectives, it is clear from the assignment that floods had adverse impact on the socio-economic status of livehoods for people in South Africa more especially the residents of Limpopo. It is also evident that there are varying underlying causes of floods i South Africa. Places near the flood event are the most susceptible to the dangers of the floods. Proximity of these places and poverty were identified as being the main cause of vulnerability of people

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Essay -- Tennes

Alienation in Tennessee Williams', The Glass Menagerie Life is a lonely tale of alienation, as Tennessee Williams conveys though his play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.† Williams surrounds Laura in isolation from a world in which they wish to belong to by using various symbols. The symbolic nature of the motifs hidden within the lines of this play provides meaning to the theme found consistent throughout the play: Individuals are all alone in the world. Williams brilliantly illuminates the idea of isolation through the symbolic use of glass. The symbolism of the glass is directly connected with the character of Laura. Similar to glass Laura is extremely fragile, her soul and image faces the possibility of being easily damaged and destroyed. Her character is tragically transparent as it is simple to decipher. However, glass objects, unlike a painting or photograph, have three dimensions. It is possible to examine every side of Laura’s fragile character, just as it is a glass figurine. Laura is trapped into a mold of glass, unable to move or break from its pattern; she is trapped in her own world of alienation. Yet, in a different light, glass reflects a rainbow of personality and beauty. Similar to the rainbow given off by glass Laura aids characters in achieving a sense of beautiful and colorful self-awareness. Williams contrasts light and dark to bring attention to Laura’s isolation from the world, and illuminate it as moments of the beauty that exists in huma...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis Babbit Essay -- Lewis Babbi

Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit      Ã‚   The idea of conspicuous consumption, or buying unnecessary items to show one's wealth, can be seen in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.   Lewis describes the main character of the book, George F. Babbitt, as a person who has his values and priorities all mixed up.   Babbitt buys the most expensive and modern material goods just to make himself happy and make people around his aware of his status.   He is more concerned about these items than about his wife or children and to him, "god was Modern Appliances" (Lewis 5).   Through Babbitt, Lewis is attempting to show how the average American person will do or buy anything, even if   unnecessary, only to show off and make peers think highly of him or her.   As seen in Babbitt, George wakes up to the "best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments" (3).   Babbitt is extremely satisfied to be awakened by this expensive clock because it raises his value to the world.   A regular alarm clock can do, but George Babbitt needs the top-of-the-line model to show off his wealth.   He, along with the rest of the citizens in the book, takes great value in his car, which to him was "poetry and tragedy, love and heroism" (22).   One must think that of his family and friends, not of a piece of metal sitting in the garage.   Babbitt continues his conspicuous consumption lifestyle by vowing to quit smoking and then going out and buying "the electric cigar lighter which he had coveted for a week" (51).   Therefore, Babbitt does not necessarily buy the lighter for himself, but to show to everyone around him that he has the money to buy it, and consequently feels superior to them.   The fi... ...In the end, the Rolex watch on the hand of a rich man is not used to tell time, rather to tell the world of his accomplishments and his burgeoning bank account.    Works Cited Brooks, John. Showing off in America. Boston: Little and Brown, 1979. Feingold, Danny. "Pooches Lap up the Attention at Dog Day Care." Los Angeles Times 11 Aug. 1999, home ed.: E2 Lexis/Nexis. Henahan, Donal. "Could Veblen Explain Today's Opera?" New York Times 19 Apr. 1987, final ed.: B21 Lexis/Nexis. Laurence, Ben. "Pounds 100 up in Smoke.   Hedonism is back." The Observer 24 May 1998: 2 Lexis/Nexis. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York: Signet, 1998. Reiss, Michael. "Are you suffering from affluenza?" New Statesman 5 Aug. 2002: 13. Walker, Michael. "The Beverly Hills-Mobile." New York Times 15 Sept. 2002, late ed.: B1 Lexis/Nexis. Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit Essay -- Lewis Babbi Conspicuous Consumption in Sinclair Lewis' Babbit      Ã‚   The idea of conspicuous consumption, or buying unnecessary items to show one's wealth, can be seen in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.   Lewis describes the main character of the book, George F. Babbitt, as a person who has his values and priorities all mixed up.   Babbitt buys the most expensive and modern material goods just to make himself happy and make people around his aware of his status.   He is more concerned about these items than about his wife or children and to him, "god was Modern Appliances" (Lewis 5).   Through Babbitt, Lewis is attempting to show how the average American person will do or buy anything, even if   unnecessary, only to show off and make peers think highly of him or her.   As seen in Babbitt, George wakes up to the "best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments" (3).   Babbitt is extremely satisfied to be awakened by this expensive clock because it raises his value to the world.   A regular alarm clock can do, but George Babbitt needs the top-of-the-line model to show off his wealth.   He, along with the rest of the citizens in the book, takes great value in his car, which to him was "poetry and tragedy, love and heroism" (22).   One must think that of his family and friends, not of a piece of metal sitting in the garage.   Babbitt continues his conspicuous consumption lifestyle by vowing to quit smoking and then going out and buying "the electric cigar lighter which he had coveted for a week" (51).   Therefore, Babbitt does not necessarily buy the lighter for himself, but to show to everyone around him that he has the money to buy it, and consequently feels superior to them.   The fi... ...In the end, the Rolex watch on the hand of a rich man is not used to tell time, rather to tell the world of his accomplishments and his burgeoning bank account.    Works Cited Brooks, John. Showing off in America. Boston: Little and Brown, 1979. Feingold, Danny. "Pooches Lap up the Attention at Dog Day Care." Los Angeles Times 11 Aug. 1999, home ed.: E2 Lexis/Nexis. Henahan, Donal. "Could Veblen Explain Today's Opera?" New York Times 19 Apr. 1987, final ed.: B21 Lexis/Nexis. Laurence, Ben. "Pounds 100 up in Smoke.   Hedonism is back." The Observer 24 May 1998: 2 Lexis/Nexis. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York: Signet, 1998. Reiss, Michael. "Are you suffering from affluenza?" New Statesman 5 Aug. 2002: 13. Walker, Michael. "The Beverly Hills-Mobile." New York Times 15 Sept. 2002, late ed.: B1 Lexis/Nexis.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Sharp Printing Essay

Three years ago the Sharp Printing (SP) strategic management group set a goal of having a color laser printer available for the consumer and small business market for less than $200. A few months later the senior management met off-site to discuss the new product. The results of this meeting were a set of general technical specifications along with major deliverables, a product launch date, and a cost estimate based on prior experience. Shortly afterward, a meeting was arranged for middle management explaining the project goals, major responsibilities, the project start date, and importance of meeting the product launch date within the cost estimate. Members of all departments involved attended the meeting. Excitement was high. Although everyone saw the risks as high, the promised rewards for the company and the personnel were emblazoned in their minds. A few participants questioned the legitimacy of the project duration and cost estimates. A couple of R&D people were worried about the technology required to produce the high-quality product for less than $200. But given the excitement of the moment, everyone agreed the project was worth doing and doable. The color laser printer project was to have the highest project priority in the company. Lauren was selected to be the project manager. She had 15 years of experience in printer design and manufacture, which included successful management of several projects related to printers for commercial markets. Since she was one of those uncomfortable with the project cost and time estimates, she felt getting good bottom-up time and cost estimates for the deliverables was her first concern. She quickly had a meeting with the significant stakeholders to create a WBS identifying the work packages and organizational unit responsible for implementing the work packages. Lauren stressed she wanted time and cost estimates from those who would do the work or were the most knowledgeable, if possible. Getting estimates from more than one source was encouraged. Estimates were due in two weeks. The compiled estimates were placed in the WBS/OBS. The corresponding cost estimate seemed to be in error. The cost estimate was $1,250,000 over the senior management estimate; this represents about a 20 percent overrun! The time estimate from the developed project network was only four months over the top management time estimate. Another meeting was scheduled with the significant stakeholders to check the estimates and to brainstorm for alternative solutions; the cost and time estimates appeared to be reasonable. Some of the suggestions for the brainstorming session are listed below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beautiful Disasters Pearl as a Living Breathing Scarlet Letter essays

Beautiful Disasters Pearl as a Living Breathing Scarlet Letter essays Sometimes beauty is found in places as unexpected as a rosebush growing outside of a prison in a puritan colonial village. Pearl Prynne is an unearthly beautiful child with a wild spirit born under unimaginably sinful conditions, all of which are somehow related to the ideas, actions, and views of others on Hesters punishment. In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, Pearl serves as Hesters living, breathing Scarlet letter. Pearl evokes the same emotion and reactions from the townspeople, as does the scarlet letter. The people look at the slight sense of pride Hester has in her letter in the same way they look at the way Hester lets Pearl do whatever she wants. They feel Hester isnt fit to raise the child. The extremity of gossip from the females of the village in the beginning of the book is only matched by the amount that Pearls wild attitude stirs up later on. Hesters A is the example for all of what sin is. The A makes Hester much avoided and the parents tell their children to watch out for her. Theses same parents say the same things to their kids about avoiding Pearl, who is infamous for her uncontrollable behavior with her peers and other adults. Just as infamous as Hesters A for the wild sinful actions it Like Hesters scarlet letter, Pearl shows extreme beauty in a form that is not traditional, positive, tame, or fully accepted. When Hester crafts the A that she has to wear on her chest, She uses a deep, passionate shade of red and embroiders it very intricately with bright gold thread. The A was meant to mark Hester in a negative manor; its purpose is to let everyone know that Hester is a sinner. Hester takes something extremely negative and makes it appear as passionately beautiful. Hawthorne portrays Pearl in a very detailed specific manor, meant...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Path to the Civil War essays

Path to the Civil War essays The Civil War or the American Civil War, which is sometimes referred to as the war between the states, the war of rebellion, or the war for southern independence, is a war that left a big impact in History. Not only did this war take over 600,000 lives, it also ruined property valued at $5 billion dollars. However, this war was an important war for the future, it put an ending to slavery and freed over 4 million black or African American slaves. In 1819, Missouri wanted to join the Union, although in the North, as a slave state. In it, it would make the balance of power in the Congress unequal. Many Northerners were opposed to the idea. Northerners in Congress refused to pass the bill, therefore proposed that Missouri be a slave state, and that no more slaves were to be brought in and all slaves would be free at the age of 25, so Missouri would become a Free State. Southerners were opposed to the idea brought up by Northerners. The Congress was in debate for many months. Henry Clay proposed that Maine enter the Union as a Free State. Also, prohibiting slavery north of the 36- 30-degree latitude, longitude line, and the southern boundary of Missouri. The South agreed since plantations would not be able to thrive further North of that line, many concerned Americans thought that the slavery issue would be resolved. First in 1828, a tariff was passed to help try to protect New England Manufactures. The tariff was as high as 45% to 50% of the original European price. Opponents of the tariff called it the "Tariff of Abomination". Southerners were opposed to the tariff because they exported cotton and other materials to Europe, in exchange European goods were imported to America. Southerners claimed it was an indirect tax on their region of the United States. Southerners began to ask for states right. South Carolina even went as far as to ask for the tariff taken off the books or they would su...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Give up willpower this year - Emphasis

Give up willpower this year Give up willpower this year At this time of year, our thoughts inevitably turn to fresh starts and making resolutions for better ways to live and work. If youve pledged to give up cake or make the gym your second home, youre certainly in good company. My friend Philippa is one of many who have declared this Dry January (which I confidently predict will be followed by Wet February – you heard it here first). Or maybe youve decided its your working habits that need to shape up, that this is the year you wont leave writing up reports, emails and proposals to the last minute anymore. Its an issue many of us struggle with, and some to a very dramatic extent. I recently read of a man who always left writing reports until the night before they were due. Well, he did that until he discovered that he could get up at 4am on the actual day he had to submit them and write them then. Clearly, thats no way to live. And definitely not a great route to writing great reports. Being unsure of where to begin your document can lead to a lot of wasted time and (if were honest) procrastination. Too often, we dont start to write until the fear of writing something imperfect gets displaced by the fear of not writing anything at all. Of course, lots of people put off starting that crucial document or critical email for much longer than they might like to admit. The fear factor The trouble is that willpower sometimes just wont cut it. If your brain perceives something to be a threat (the prospect of failure), it will do all it can to avoid that threat until a bigger one (the consequences of not writing anything at all) comes along. Believe me, your willpower is not much of a match for millions of years of evolution. The way to get round this is to trick your brain by still avoiding the threat while doing something that actually moves you closer to finishing. So if writing is the problem, dont write. Plan instead. The art of getting started Most painters sketch out the general outlines of their pictures before putting paint to canvas. This gets all the elements in the right place and then naturally leads them into the act of painting itself. When you take time to plan, you do the same thing with your writing. In fact, planning is doubly useful. Not only does it overcome procrastination, it separates your writing and thinking processes. And that separation will produce much better results. Too many people use the writing process to work out what they think. This is actually dangerous. First, its likely to result in quite a disordered document or email. Second, it fools you into believing that what youve written is logical. More likely is that what youve written is the record of what could be a jumbled thought process – a record that you then inflict on the reader. Map it out There are many ways to plan. Lists are better than nothing. Mind maps are much better, as they are non-linear: they allow you to make connections between ideas that may not have initially occurred to you. But, however you plan, try not to do it on-screen: this will make it difficult to get the necessary perspective. And let’s not forget, your computer is also where all the tempting distractions of the internet lurk. So, instead, use a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. (Yes, paper.) And switch off – or even step away from – your screen if it helps. Since you’re unlikely to beat evolution, you may as well work with it to get the results you want. As well as have the occasional lie-in. Image credit: alphaspirit / Shutterstock

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Community & Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community & Economic Development - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding the issue, the city of Orlando can be used as a case example. It is of the essence to note that different locations are endowed differently when it comes to the endowment of business opportunities. This is something, which ranges from one location to another. There are a few things, which a person who wants to engage in the business ought to consider. The individual in question ought to ask himself or herself whether it feels right or whether the decision that is made makes sense at all. This is bearing in mind the financial implications, which come into perspective. There are certain things, which make Orlando a good and attractive business spot in the country. For starters, there are several industries, which are located in the city. These are significant pointers of how businesses and the private sector can be influential in the creation of jobs to individuals in the population. The presence of many of these industries in the city makes it possible for people to seek employment and get it in the long run. At the same time, these businesses may come up with incentives, which may serve to attract even more individuals from the local population. In most cases, the incentives in this scenario are always better in comparison to those from the government. As a result, a significant number of individuals in the population will opt to go into the businesses as opposed to seeing employment that is initiated by the government or the local authorities. The role, which the business sector plays when it comes to the city of Orlando, is a fact, which cannot be overlooked. The local authorities have also recognized this and as such, the policies, which they develop in relation to business activities, are those, which are favorable to the individuals who have the desire to engage in business activities. The authorities have also realized that through their partnerships with business entities and